Trump Demands More Debates With Biden, And Sooner

Is it any wonder?

Like a shark sensing blood in the water, Donald Trump’s campaign has called for presidential debates between him and Joe Biden to begin as soon as possible so more of them can be held.

Trump’s co-campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, have written to The Commission on Presidential Debates “in agreement with the pending letter” from “television networks advocating for presidential debates to occur in 2024.”

The campaign further notes that “While the Commission on Presidential Debates has already announced three presidential debates and a vice-presidential debate to occur later this year, we are in favor of these debates beginning much earlier.”

The letter further asserts that “voting is beginning earlier and earlier, and as we saw in 2020, tens of millions of Americans had already voted by the time of the first debate.”

“Specific to the Commissions proposed 2024 calendar, it simply comes too late,” the Trump campaign continues, adding “by the date of the first proposed debate, September 16, 2024, over 1 million Americans will have likely voted.”

“By the date of the second proposed debate, October 1, 2024, the number of Americans who will have likely cast a ballot will be over 3 million, an increase of 225 percent,” the letter urges, adding that by the final scheduled debate in mid October, almost 9 million will have already voted.

“The Commission must move up the timetable of its proposed 2024 debates to ensure more Americans have a full chance to see the candidates before they start voting, and we would argue for adding more debates in addition to those on the currently proposed schedule,” the letter suggests.

Trump’s campaign adds “We have already indicated President Trump is willing to debate anytime, anyplace, and anywhere—and the time to start these debates is now.”

The RNC has also issued a statement agreeing with the Trump campaign, noting “It’s no wonder that Biden wants to return to the basement and avoid accountability for his failures, but Americans deserve to see the contrast between his weaknesses and President Trump’s vision to Make America Great Again.”

As we highlighted yesterday, Biden needs cards to tell him what to do and say, including saying welcome to the Japanese Prime Minister.

He had to be led around the White House while looking permanently lost.

He also doesn’t know what century it is:

Biden couldn’t get through another short speech at a State dinner with the Japanese premier Thursday without the cue cards.

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Comments 2
  1. Biden can’t debate. Trump should clip videos of him talking about his batsh*t crazy policies and counter them in a campaign ad.

  2. Doesn’t matter!
    Neither of them will be running for Prez!
    There won’t be anything left to be President OF!

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