If You Want People To Have Babies You’re Now “Far Right”

Doing the thing we literally exist as organisms to do is “far-right” according to Politico writer

A report published by Politico claims that wanting the human race to reproduce is now a “far right” position to take.

Yes, really.

Leftists are so obsessed with identity politics, they’re arguing that human reproduction, and being in favour of people having babies is now right wing.

The article focuses on a recent natal convention , and states that “The far right is so obsessed with making babies, they just held a whole conference about it.”

They are even using a political term for this ‘movement’, Natalism.

Wikipedia says the term Natalism (also called pronatalism or the pro-birth position) dates from 1971, and “is an ideology that promotes the reproduction of human life as an important objective of being human and advocates high birthrate.”

Apparently it’s no longer just a fact that the reproduction of human life is an important objective of being human. After all, if there is no reproduction of human life, there is no being human to be had.

The Politico piece, written by Gaby Del Valle, who “is a reporter whose work focuses on immigration, surveillance and the far right,” makes light of the fact that global fertility rates are in a tailspin.

It reads, “The threat, we are told here this weekend, is existential, biological, epoch-defining. Economies will fail, civilizations will fall, and it will all happen because people aren’t having enough babies.”

It goes on to argue that the people attending the ‘NatalCon’ are more concerned with “a total social overhaul” and “breeding a new majority — one that looks and sounds just like them.”

It suggests that concerns over higher instances of divorce, the break down of the traditional family in modern society and the rise of ideologies like transgenderism are just a part of “liberal democracy,” and that those concerned about them impacting the global human population and society as a whole are just being a bit silly.

“In recent years, various factions of the old and the new right have coalesced around the idea that babies might be the cure for everything that’s wrong with society,” Del Valle writes, going on to intimate that really these ‘natalists’ are just bigoted and anti-immigration, and that immigration is really the way to solve the decline in birth rates.

She then throw in some “white supremacy” stuff for no reason other than to disingenuously conflate it with people who think having babies is a good thing.

The piece then insinuates that problems such as microplastics contributing to declining sperm counts, endocrine disruptors being present in water and birth control pills having detrimental effects on women’s fertility are all just conspiracy theories because they’re amplified by people who have X accounts… or something.

The article then goes on to basically suggest that those advocating an increase in people having babies only want certain kinds of people, specifically white conservative people, to have babies and that, essentially they’re all far right racists.


As we highlighted earlier, the fertility rate in the US HAS fallen to an all time low, as recorded by the CDC, and continues to decline at a rate of around 2 percent every year.

In 1960, the US total fertility rate was 3.65 births per woman. In 2023 it was 1.6. The average fertility rate needed to maintain the population is 2.1 children for every woman.

That’s not a conspiracy theory.

A major study published in scientific journal The Lancet earlier this year found that the global population will start to fall within decades due to vastly reduced fertility rates and may never recover.

The study found that the global fertility rate is currently 2.23, hovering only just above the replacement rate.

Commenting on the study, its co-author Dr Natalia Bhattacharjee said declining fertility rates “will completely reconfigure the global economy and the international balance of power and will necessitate reorganising societies.”

It’s not a bunch of “far right” people at a nerdy conference making it up.

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Comments 7
  1. Buried in all the waffle is the bit about “advocating high birth-rate”. Instead of talking about whether “having babies” is left or right, why don’t we talk about something relevant, namely, whether having many babies is a good or bad idea?

    Obviously, if everybody has lots of babies, it’s a bad idea, because we don’t have the resources for an ever-increasing population. Let’s talk about how many babies a family can realistically afford, and say that it’s actually a good thing if the average family can only afford two children.

    Now, I do appreciate that the proto-caste system of the USA, that divides people in groups that are hard to move from, based mostly on genetic make-up, and then expects people to show allegiance to their own caste by voting accordingly, the question gets raised of the differing birth-rates of each caste. The best answer I can give to that question is that, given the advanced level of decline of the political system of the USA, voting is unlikely to be a festival that lasts as long as it will take for the next generation to grow up. And since political campaigns seem to be helping maintain the proto-caste system, it’s difficult to determine how resilient the caste system will be when voting stops as a practice. It will probably be maintained to some extent, since people tend to segregate themselves based on looks quite naturally, but on the other hand, when the vast majority is poor, skin color is unlikely to provide vast amounts of information on likely levels of wealth.

  2. When someone like a Gaby Del Valle writes about having babies is far right, you can be sure she is referring exclusively to European peoples of the world. To fight this sinister plot, white people must have many babies, not fewer.

    1. If the economy was forgiving enough to allow me to have a house I would so house my
      non existent but wishing to have family in it.

  3. Whilst it’s true that the planet is hugely overpopulated and becoming ever more so, like everything else, there should be some moderation. Having babies is obviously essential to the continuation of the human race. What these cretinous Lefties don’t like is clearly ‘white’ babies, but they ignore (actually, more like celebrate) the fact that white people are having less babies, but non-whites are accelerating exponentially.

  4. Of course, that’s only if you want HUMANS (Whites) to have babies! Letting the Coloreds plop em out like turds is just fine!

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