‘Diversity’ Exhibition Laughably Claims Original Brits Were Black

‘We wuz Anglo-Saxons n’ shieet’.

An exhibition celebrating ‘diversity’ in London laughably claims that the first Britons were black and that “Britain was black for 7,000 years before” white people arrived.

Yes, really.

The Brilliant Black British History exhibition held at Black Cultural Archives in Brixton, south London, received taxpayer funding to spout patently false nonsense.

The very first display panel in the exhibition states, “By testing DNA, scientists made an amazing discovery – the first migrants to Britain around 12,000 years ago had black skin. Yes, that’s right, the very first Britons were black!”

Fact check: Nope.

This is all based on the infamous Cheddar Man hoax, the oldest set of human remains to have been found in Briton, who researchers initially claimed had possible skin pigmentations from “dark to black”.

“Susan Walsh, clarified that Cheddar Man’s appearance was uncertain, while a separate 2017 study from geneticist Sarah Tishkoff found that predicting likely pigmentation based on “giveaway” genes was inaccurate,” notes the Telegraph.

The exhibition also falsely claims that AD Roman Emperor Septimius Severus was “a Black Roman ruler,” when in reality he had Italian and Middle Eastern descent.

“The exhibit claims that 11 per cent of Roman York was “Black”, possibly based on a 2009 study, which suggested 11 per cent of one set of human remains may have been migrants who “mainly originated from northern Africa (modern Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya),” reports the Telegraph.

The exhibition was blasted by Cambridge historian Professor David Abulafia.

“The presence of a very small number of Africans in this country over the two millennia up to the 19th century is exaggerated out of all proportion. And most of these ‘Africans’ were from the north of the continent and white or light brown,” he asserted.

It’s little surprise that the exhibition is so absurdly inaccurate given that is is based on Bloomsbury children’s book Brilliant Black British History, by Atinuke, the Nigerian-born poet and author.

The book claims that black people built Stonehenge, despite there being absolutely no evidence of this at all.

We wuz Mesolithic hunter-gatherers n’ shieet!

As we document in the video above, the BBC also produces TV shows for children pushing the lie that a whole raft of British historical figures were sub-Saharan African, which is a total fallacy.

As we previously highlighted, children at schools in the UK are being taught that St Hadrian, an abbot who played a pivotal role in the early history of the English Church, was black, despite the fact that there is no record of him being black at all.

The Telegraph reported, “The Dark Age abbot St Hadrian of Canterbury has been referred to as a ‘black scholar’ in primary school teaching material, despite the holy man being of north African origin and not black.”

In another similar case, the BBC had to remove a plaque it had installed celebrating the “first black Briton” after scientific evidence revealed the person was not African, but from Cyprus.

Again, race activists will seize upon any indication that a historical figure didn’t have porcelain white skin and claim they came from sub-Sahara Africa to push diversity propaganda and attack the heritage of native white Britons.

This all points to the fact that sub-Sahara Africa has actually produced next to nothing in terms of important historical figures, culture, or anything of value, which is why they have to lie so profusely about it via government-funded fake museum exhibitions.

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Comments 43
  1. If the first Britons were sub Saharan African than where did white people come from then? Did we just pop out of thin air already adapted to less sun, and colder climates?

  2. What color Britain was in the distant past is rather moot
    considering in the near future it isn’t going to be very white.

  3. It’s true –

    Cornwallis’ birth name was “Corn Pop”
    King George was actually “Chicken George the first”
    Sherwood Forest was Robin’s “Hood”
    Queen Elizabeth’s first husband was Sir Fred Sanford

  4. What BS. Blacks also claim to be the first Indians of America. The few Jewish. The first Chinese. The first Irish. Truly. When most of them are the bottom of humanity. Also claimed Rome and Greece stole all their idea from blacks.

  5. If black people were around back then, we would all still be living in mud huts still. Do blacks do anything honestly?….. Anything….

  6. The darkies once again have it backward…and the TRUE Brits allowing this shite should be defunded and this exhibition removed.

  7. Subsaharan Africans never invented the wheel or a written language…pretty sure they could never manage the engineering to build Stonehenge

  8. As a Briton who is pale as the driven snow and whose ancestors have been here since forever, I am offended by this cultural appropriation.

  9. Modern ‘Science’ consist of a lot of ‘make it up and say it. You can’t un-ring a bell.’
    That is shameful!

    1. Geneticists claim paleo Europeans were dark skinned and 100% had blue eyes. But they certainly weren’t sub Saharan negroes.

  10. It really is sad how little actual history white people know. So full of pride and arrogance while believing what has been fed to them in your school text books, text books written by the very people who have vowed to hide truth and feed people a smorgasbord of fables and tall tales. Black people (chiefly black Israel) populated Western Europe in large numbers and were the nobility and many countries during what the liars call the ‘dark ages’. The Renaissance was nothing more than a usurpation and white washing of those black peoples technology, art, literature, textbooks, and Holy Book. The ruled in Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, German, and more. If you don’t know anything about that, you have officially been mind-controlled by the system.

      1. Because the Out of Africa theory is bullshit? They lack the genes we and the Chinese have? Remember, in Brazil, Africans always try to improve themselves by getting their girls tupped by Whitey. There is a famous picture of three generations of successively whiter Brazilian negro slaves that makes just this point. Hybrid vigour is a wonderful thing!

    1. You are an utter retard. As an historian, I call bullshit. Genetics, art, records, archaeology, forensics etc. all disprove your asinine statements. And besides,, just what does your American misuse of the word “Black” actually mean in your lying mouth? (I’m being rhetorical.) My words are doubtless wasted on you, though – such brain rot as yours is beyond treatment, I fear.

    2. Subsaharan africans never managed to invent the wheel or a written language…they could barely manage huts…they never had or will have the engineering skill to build a multistory house much less Stonehenge.

      1. Yep. Their only use for rocks (apart from trying to eat them) was to hit each other over the head to enable murder, robbery, rape or enslavement. Notice how they “appropriate” our language, and poorly too.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Good one …… 👍

    4. Anonymous
      28th January 2024 at 12:50 pm
      It is you who do not know history. You are so full of bullshit. Black technology, art, literature, textbooks and Holy Book? LoL! Nobility? LoL!

      It is sad that you actually believe this low IQ negroid horse hockey.

      (HUGE face palm)

    5. Oh, the irony!

      Afrocentrist rhetoric has been debunked over and over again by historians. It is also completely dismantled by the revelations made through modern genetics. Your ilk falsely claims that other cultural groups with darker skin were “black,” despite having no closer relation to Africa than any modern Nordic. Many Europeans have tan or olive skin, but that does not mean that Africans can claim their achievements as “black” inventions or history.

      Your ideology grew out of the laughable “black Israelite” movement, and now you’ve attempted to steal the culture of every other ethnic group. There has never been a large African presence in Europe or Asia, and even many of the Northern African civilizations were mixed with Arabic groups rather than sub-Saharans.

      You should focus on legitimate African history that your people have ties to, rather than falsely claiming that you’re responsible for cultures that had little to no black influence.

      I suggest you read the book “Not Out Of Africa: How “Afrocentrism” Became An Excuse To Teach Myth As History” by Mary Lefkowitz as a starting point in learning where your absurd views come from.

      While certain comments here downplay the entirety of African culture and civilization, the proper response is to expand knowledge of your people’s genuine history. Not to cling to historical fables with no basis in reality.

      1. No. Turnabout is fair play when these phaggots try to suborn and traduce our culture. Fuck them and all their ilk and their supporters. And if that 8ncludes you, then go fuck yourself.

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