Trump Challenges Biden to Cognitive Test

Says he would live to 200-years-old if he didn’t eat so much junk food.

Donald Trump challenged Joe Biden to a cognitive test as questions continue to swirl over Biden’s mental capability.

During a speech in Las Vegas, Nevada, Trump mentioned former White House physician Ronny Jackson, who is now a Congressman.

“They asked him, who’s in better health, who’s more physically fit – you know what he said? Trump!”

Trump then joked that he would “live to 200-years-old if he didn’t eat so much junk food.”

“I’d like to take a cognitive test, I never heard of it before, but whatever, I like tests, I’ve always liked tests, tests are very interesting,” said Trump.

Trump then spoke of his uncle, Dr. John Trump, who was the longest serving professor in the history of MIT, asserting it proved the longevity of his family genes.

“Same genes, we’re smart people…we’re like race horses too…you know the fast ones produce the fast ones and the slow ones – doesn’t work out so well, right?” he quipped.

Last year, Jackson himself demanded that Biden undergo an immediate cognitive examination after the president appeared to be lost on stage yet again, something that happens virtually every month now.

Jackson, who served on the White House medical team in the mid-2000s and served as personal physician to both Barack Obama and Donald Trump, previously predicted that Biden wouldn’t finish his first term.

“Biden won’t finish his term. EVERYONE knows he’s unfit for the job. His mind is too far gone. This can’t go on any longer. He needs to RESIGN!” he asserted.

As we document in the video below, Biden’s verbal diarrhea appears to be getting worse given that he is now incapable of saying basic words like “women” and “America”.

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Comments 1
  1. This is the real death knell for Biden- and a significant portion of the US Senate. Its not age that’s the problem: its health!

    Biden, Pelosi, Fetterman, McConnell- hell, how long did Ruth Ginsberg hold onto her SCOTUS seat, even as she fell asleep during hearings or had to take months worth of leave becasue she was so ill? Hillary Clinton’s health during the 2016 election was also a huge sticking point in her eventual loss as well… remember her 2 minute long coughing fit or when she collapsed and had to be literally chucked into her van during that 9/11 memorial?

    So many of these individuals are simply too ill to work, not too old- and Trump is the example of that: he is healthy, cognisant, and able to perform what is expected of a leader and he is 77! Meanwhile, McConnell has minute long strokes on camera, Pelosi drinks herself into a stupor before noon each day, Fetterman stumbles around aimlessly, and the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES falls over himself every other week and can’t speak for longer than a few seconds before he starts mumbling nonsense… yet these people are given a free pass while Trump is the one under scrutiny for his health?

    This is a desperate attempt- a stab in the dark- by the leftist establishment to try and find something reasonable to attack Trump with. They can’t win on the border, on foreign policy, on the economy, on anything! So they go after something that seems reasonable, something that you might agree to without thinking too hard- “of course people who are “too old” should’nt be in power!”

    But think again- what exactly is “too old”? 90? 80? 70? 60? 50? Over 40, your risk for basically any illness increases exponentially.

    No, AGE is not the issue; HEALTH is the issue. If there is someone who is 40 is wheelchair bound, on a ventillator, rewuires 30 different pills a day, and can’t talk, well we wouldn’t elect him for anything- even though he isn’t “too old”. Meanwhile, a person could be 200 years old but if he can the walk and talk the talk, then they are not a problem.

    Anyways… its not like Biden will take any kind of cognitive tests- and certainly not any where he is compared to Trump. I’d be surprised if Biden is even mentally on par with a child at this point roflmao

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