Fake News: Leftist Media Claims Tucker Carlson Launched A Show On Russian State TV

“Totally false”

Newsweek has repeated a completely false claim that Tucker Carlson has launched a show on a state-controlled Russian television channel.

Citing a state owned Russian newspaper, Newsweek suggested that Carlson is creating content for the Russia 24 channel.

Leftists immediately swallowed the story whole and charged that Carlson is “quite literally, a mouthpiece of the Russian state.”

Neocon Bill Kristol tweeted that Carlson  “has now embraced his master,” referring to Vladimir Putin, before deleting the post when it became clear the entire story was horse shit.

Carlson himself remarked, “It’s all fake obviously, like most stories in American news media. Of course I have no partnership with Russia. The first I’d heard anything about this was (this) morning.”

Further commenting on the claim, Dean Thompson, head of programming and production operations at the Tucker Carlson Network stated “That Newsweek story is totally false,” adding that in reality the channel is airing episodes of Carlson’s interviews “without legal permission.”

Neil Patel, CEO of the Tucker Carlson Network, further noted “The Tucker Carlson Network has not done any deals with state media in any country. Whoever is currently pretending to be the old Newsweek brand would know that if they had checked with us before printing like news companies are supposed to do.”

It’s not even the first time that Newsweek has done this, having published a story in September 2023 suggesting Carlson had made a deal with Russian-state TV.

Some have suggested that the claim is being repeatedly pushed in order to justify spying on Carlson’s communications.

Newsweek has since changed its story… again, and deleted social media posts about it.

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