Suspect in Murder of Father Who Defended Son in Sweden Named as Mohammed Khalid Mohammed Mohammed

Mikael Janicki shot dead for standing up to gang.

The suspect in the murder of Mikael Janicki, who was shot dead in front of his own son in Stockholm after standing up to a crime gang, has been arrested and named as 18-year-old Mohammed Khalid Mohammed Mohammed, an Iraqi migrant.

Janicki and his son were threatened by the gang in an underpass as they cycled to a swimming pool last month.

Wanting to be an example to his son in showing him how to stand up to bullies, Janicki told him to keep a safe distance as he returned to confront the gang.

Janicki was shot dead with a single bullet to the head in another case that shocked Sweden, which has accepted huge numbers of migrants over the last decade.

Mohammed Khalid Mohammed Mohammed was arrested by police at his home in Skärholmen on Tuesday and remains in custody for the murder.

As we was just 17 at the time of the shooting, turning 18 a couple of weeks later, the suspect is likely to receive a very light sentence despite having a history of criminal behavior.

Mohammed had already been a suspect in four robberies, attempted theft, assault, vandalism and numerous drug offenses.

“He had previously been convicted in 2022 for drug-related offenses and was charged last year with robbery after stolen goods were found in his possession after a search of his home,” reports Remix News.

The the Iraqi-born suspect who arrived in Sweden with his family in 2007 and was given citizenship five years later, was taken into state care at the age of 15 for “abuse of addictive substances, criminal activity, and socially destructive behavior.”

Just a week after the murder of Janicki, Mohammed was arrested in the suspected kidnapping and attempted murder of another 18-year-old in Skärholmen.

As he was a minor at the time of the murder, Mohammed could face a maximum of just eight years in prison for the crime and then be back out on the streets.

Swedish authorities previously asserted that gang leaders are increasingly using children to commit violent crimes because they often receive low sentences or go completely unpunished by the courts.

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Comments 5
  1. This sort of shit happens every day in Nazi Sweden!
    He’ll get two weeks in a Bed and Breakfast from the ruling Foreign Nazis and a bonus on his next welfare check!
    The Foreign Nazis HATE Sweden and the Swedes!
    Next year the Swedes will be a minority in their own Homeland and the Foreign Negro Muslims
    will have them deported!

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