Utah School Kids Stage Walk Out Protest Against ‘Furries’

Claim they bite other children and bark at them

Students at a middle school in Utah walked out in protest Wednesday, charging that teachers and officials are allowing other children to identify as animals.

The kids at Mt. Nebo Middle School in Payson said they have had enough of so called ‘furries’ who they charge have growled and barked at them, and even bitten them.

The students made signs saying “Don’t brainwash us,”as well as “Compelled speech is not free speech,” “I will not comply,” and “We just wanted to learn.”

They stood on the side of the road outside the school, saying that their complaints against the ‘furries’ are being ignored.

Livestreamer Adam Bartholomew documented the protest and asked the kids why they were doing it.

“These kids are mentally ill, and they’re trying to force their illness upon us,” commented one girl, noting that the children who are dressing up as animals are ages 10 to 13 years old and “want attention.”

“They bite us. They scratch us. They bark at us,” said another child, noting that if they try to defend themselves they get admonished by teachers.

Other children accused the ‘furries’ of spraying Febreze at their eyes and putting pet litter boxes in the bathrooms.

The kids claim to have video of the furries disrupting classes, but say they have been reprimanded for filming and told to just ‘be kind’ to the children who want to identify as animals.

An online petition has been started demanding that administrators more strictly enforce the district’s dress code, which states that “Jewelry, accessories, tattoos, hair, facial hair, and other elements of a student’s appearance that draw undue attention, distract, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with the learning atmosphere at school or at school activities and events, or that create a health, safety, or welfare issue are prohibited.”

A statement from Utah Parents United addressed the accusations on Facebook, noting “It is harmful to children for school rules and dress codes to be centered around the marginalized. It perpetuates the victim culture that is damaging our children!” the group said, adding “As parents we must speak out when schools validate any disruptive, antisocial, and extreme behavior.”

The school district responded to the issue Wednesday, claiming that “A lot of the information that’s been put out there is completely incorrect and inaccurate.”

Nebo School District Public Information Officer Seth Sorensen claimed that children are not dressing up as animals stating “Today, we had some students and parents choose to exercise their right to assemble, and do a little protest for what they perceived was something that was happening in the school. It actually is not something that’s been occurring.”

Sorensen further suggested that the student sin question are wearing headbands with cat or dog ears, and that it is on par with other students wearing bows in their hair and sports jerseys. Sorensen said dressing up is “just what students of this age do.”

He added that “Nobody was taking the side of one group or another,” and that “What we were saying is everyone needs to treat everyone else with respect.”

This is the second time in a year that the school district has courted headlines, after a report circulated charging that sixth-grade students were told to eat insects that teachers provided as part of an English assignment on climate change.

There have previously been reports of school officials placing litter boxes in school bathrooms to appease children wanting to identify as ‘furries’, with one particular school in Utah garnering attention, but claiming the rumours are false.

Someone has made an entire Wikipedia page about the litter boxes being a hoax, yet the claims still persist.

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Comments 11
  1. Found ourselves by accident at a hotel that was having a furries recent. The feeling was tangible and way beyond creepy. That whole effort is to simulate animal sex. It is an evil not really hidden behind cute animal masks. There is no reason the schools should put up with those kids. Giving them any quarter at all is sick. Stay as far away from the furries as you can–pure evil in both intent and practice.

    1. Was so disturbing the Marriott hotel manager refunded all our money for all our hotel costs. Also for many others.

  2. I’m old enough to remember that if what you were wearing was causing a distraction in the classroom, the teacher sent you home to change. Completely unrelated I’m sure but grades and test scores were much higher prior…

    1. Oh, they still do–if you’re wearing any kind of conservative, religious (Christian, anyway), or pro-2nd Amendment message.

  3. If one isn’t actively and forcfully opposing this insanity,
    one is affirming it. FAR past time to end all of this Satanism.

  4. It’s real simple. The brainless students who think they’re animals need to be sent to the Wacky Ward for a very, very long stay. Many may need lifetime stays at the Wacky Ward and that’s ok, we can put them next to the LGBTQ-XYZ nutters.

  5. The only Human creatures needing litter boxes are any teachers or parents who support this insanity. They are the true sick mental cases.

  6. This Satanic Insanity from the Foreign Nazis has gone way too far!
    Humans will NEVER rise against their Foreign “gods” so thank GOD Armageddon is coming soon!
    After Armageddon, this Satanic Sh-t will be back in Hell where it belongs, along with Satan and his Children!

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