Shocking Poll Exposes How Much the Elite Hate Us

Three quarters want food and energy rationing, majority want to ban foreign holidays.

A shocking poll exposes the utter contempt the elite holds the general public in, with more than three quarters wanting to ration food and energy to combat ‘climate change’ and a majority wanting air travel for holidays banned.

The survey was conducted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CUP), a Maryland-based non-profit advocacy group.

The organization polled members of America’s 1 per cent – defined as people who have a postgraduate degree and an annual income of more than $150,000.

77 per cent of elitists who were asked, “To fight climate change, would you favor or oppose the strict rationing of gas, meat and electricity?” said they would favor such a policy.

That figure rises even higher to 89 per cent amongst Ivy League graduates.

Presumably, their wealth will ensure they are exempt from such rationing while poor people can go whistle.

In addition, 69 per cent of elitists want an immediate ban on gas stoves, while 81 per cent want gas powered vehicles outlawed.

A majority also want the government to forbid the use of air conditioning and non-essential air travel, effectively outlawing vacations, rules that presumably won’t apply to their private jets and luxury compounds.

67 per cent of elitists also believe that teachers should decide what children are taught compared to 26 per cent who think parents should decide.

The poll also reveals how the elite are totally at odds with the general public in both lifestyle and beliefs.

When canvassed on how much freedom the United States should bestow on its citizens, 47 per cent said people had too much freedom compared to 21 per cent who said there was too much control.

In comparison, 57 per cent of voters said there was too much control compared to 16 per cent who said there was too much freedom.

74 per cent say their finances are getting better, while just 20 per cent of the general public say the same.

A whopping 84 per cent also approve of the job Joe Biden is doing as president, while recent polls show Biden has an approval rating of around 39 per cent with general voters.

“The people who run America, or at least think they do, live in a bubble of their own construction,” write the poll’s authors. “They’ve isolated themselves from everyday America’s realities to such a degree their views about what is and what should be happening in this country differ widely from the average America.”

As Chris Morrison notes, the poll results are likely to be mirrored across the western world, in a similar way to how the backlash against the elite’s policies are replicated in numerous different countries.

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Comments 32
  1. You can see why they put that TYPE in positions of Authority huh. Theyre so entitled and biased that they never think to ask if the restriction helps or harms the people making use of it. They just want it stopped to make life harder for everyone Else but themselves. Past time to be spitting in their coffee and putting boogers in their food. Fek these Diversity hire inbred Clowns.

  2. >77 per cent of elitists who were asked, “To fight climate change, would you favor or oppose the strict rationing of gas, meat and electricity?” said they would favor such a policy.

    I don’t know if this poll was done for real or it’s somebody trolling. But let’s take it at face value and assume that the poll was done and 77% of the 1% richest people said this.

    The important question is: why would they be saying this? Saying that it’s because they want to screw the plebs just doesn’t go far enough. The elite always want to screw the plebs. The question is: why in this particular way?

    First of all, it’s important to understand that when the elite say “climate change”, they mean “climate change plus running out of fossil fuels”. Because we are running out of oil and gas. The elites don’t like to say this because they don’t want the plebs to suddenly understand why it’s vital to have wars in the Middle East, and possibly Russia, if the Middle East doesn’t go as planned.

    So, “strict rationing of gas” isn’t something that the elites would be imposing voluntarily. It’s something that is going to happen, because there just isn’t enough gas to go around. But the elites hope that by telling people that it’s all done voluntarily to combat climate change, people will complain less. Which clearly isn’t happening.

    Why electricity? Because quite a lot of electricity still comes from natural gas, and there isn’t enough nuclear and renewables to cover the shortfall.

    Why meat? Because meat production and preservation of meat is rather energy intensive. So by rationing meat, it’s possible to save quite a lot of energy.

    1. Justify it as you wish, but the bottom line remains true: wealthy people do not care about the quality of life of other people. And more importantly, they do not question the accuracy of the claims about the causes of climate change and ways to control it.

      1. “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth.” (from the non-rich to the rich)
        Ottmar Edenhofer IPCC Co Chair Working Group III 14 November 2010

    2. Wrong on all points………we’re not running out of so called fossil fuels and if you had half a brain you’d realize it’s not actually fossil fuels…… are so clueless it’s pathetic.

  3. What this poll seems to show is that those who think themselves intellectuals are only to happy for everyone Else to suffer while they get privileged treatments. They deserve whats coming.

  4. Hi everyone i am jewish,

    I condemn all the baby murdering lunatics from israel, i am disgusted to be jewish, i feel ashamed dirty and unclean, my people murder little toddlers in palestine.

    I have renounced my identity as jewish, i am disgusted at my circumcised penis. I feel mutilated.

    Shalom aleichem.

  5. Angelo Codevilla wrote a book a few years ago detailing the national divide between the “country class” (most of us) and the “ruling class”. It seems this divide is getting worse.

  6. I’m not surprised. In light of celebrities & social media, so many think they deserve to be special; elevated above the crowd. The concept of equality & caring for your fellow man, has evolved into designating how you are supposed to respond to what we tell you to do. & the tellers are allowed higher standing than those they must instruct.

  7. News Flash “Elites hate us”. Sorry, but that isn’t news. Anyone with a brain larger than a pea knows that. They crave power and money and will do anything to get as much as they can. Of course, it doesn’t affect them. Why should it? They think they are God’s gift to this great earth.

    1. Actually, they already have plenty of money. What they now crave is power. Greed changes form once you reach the point where you have more money than you could ever spend.

  8. The elite, AKA, arrogant, self-important fools, can stuff it & if you need help, I have a size 12 steel toe boot that help with that.

  9. It’s like the “elites” are a small minority with disproportionate influence who have a deeply ingrained hatred of everything Christian and European. I wonder who that group could be?

      1. Don’t worry, you will spend plenty of time with your friends in hell. Truth does not make someone anti simetic which was invented by the Jews in 1860.

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