Couple Ridiculed For ‘HR-Style’ Yearly Relationship Review

TikTok produces more weaponized cringe.

A couple posted an incredibly cringe ‘HR-style’ yearly relationship review on TikTok, then faced inevitable ridicule on X.

The clip begins by the woman doing a cartoonish dance as the man begrudgingly takes part.

“Here’s how we reset for the new year as a self-proclaimed power couple,” she narrates.

They then showcase how they have an “annual partner summit” during which they discuss their memories and what they learned from the past year, while settings couples goals and then write them all down in colored boxes.

The summit ends with a “mission statement” which both parties sign with their names.

The clip ends with the woman encouraging others to do the same and more cartoonish cringe dancing.

As ever, when X got hold of the clip, they weren’t very complimentary, asking why people would manage their relationship like a human resources department.

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Comments 5
  1. Woman, you aren’t running anything. Shut your yap and go make a man a sandwich…and I don’t mean your “guy” with the man-bun.

    And man-bun guy, man up and take charge. Oh, and get a haircut; that sissy man-bun ain’t gettin’ it, Pebbles.

    (huge face palm) – What a pussy!

  2. The A.I. that they are developing from degenerates using tik tok is fucking scary.

    I don’t think people understand yet how dangerous and powerful A.I is. Those of us who are up to date as regards technology are shocked at what A.I can do.

    The speed of efficiency of how it can predict is shocking.

  3. To be fair it is a perfect example of why the cabal are successfully wiping out white people when you have a clearly brain dead white woman with literally no redeeming features and a pathetic excuse of a man with no testosterone in his body. Role on the end of mankind, it will be a kindness.

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