Councillor Calls For Dublin Rioters to be “Shot in the Head” Or Beaten to Death by Mobs

More outrage over “Irish Lives Matter” graffiti.

A councillor in Ireland has called for people who were involved in the Dublin riots to be “shot in the head” or beaten by mobs until they die.

Yes, really.

Riots erupted last Thursday night after fiery but mostly peaceful protesters expressed anger over an Algerian migrant stabbing three children outside a primary school.

In the aftermath, the Irish government blamed and targeted the Irish people, with new legislation set to pass that would empower authorities to read their private social media messages.

That rhetoric was escalated beyond belief when Cathaoirleach of LCCC’s Metropolitan District, Cllr Azad Talukder told a council meeting that he wanted to see the rioters publicly executed.

“Not even an animal does these kind of thing. It is very shameful and they should get public punishment,” Cllr Talukder told council members.

“I’d like to see them shot in the head or bring the public in and beat them until they die,” he added.

Talukder was forced to withdraw the comments, but apparently still remains in a job.

Meanwhile, there’s more outrage over some graffiti that appeared overnight which said “Irish Lives Matter”.

Talukder was celebrated earlier this year when he was voted in as Limerick’s first Muslim Cathaoirleach in what was called a “historic moment”.

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Comments 11
  1. A rat, urging for violence to be inflicted on the infidels!

    How DARE they object to their people being murdered robbed and raped, their culture destroyed?

  2. An ugly little bastard, should be done for incitement to violence and lose his position as a councillor.

    Some of them rioters were teenagers, what is it with muslims wanting to harm kids?

  3. Are the people of ireland completely brain dead when they cast their vote or something because who in the name of christ is voting for these clearly inbred donkeys that are clearly the product incest. Genuinely wondering or is it a case that they get up in the morning on election day and have a cup of stupid before they roll into the voting booth. Its very simple, if you dont want a shit health system, heathens that have been bread through incest, shit housing, being treated like a second class citizen or anything else that is fucked in the country which at this stage is just about everything. Dont vote for brown people, dont vote for self hating marxists and especially do not vote for career politicians and if you do, you belong in a mental institution. That councilor needs a bullet in his own brain.

    1. You don’t have to be a citizen to vote in Irish elections. Residents can vote too. Hence why they want to flood the Country with as many migrants as they can between now and the election.

      1. I know john but the Irish not voting is a serious fucking issue. Turnout has been shit for years. People need to cop the fuck on now.

          1. Big time john, time for people to wake the fuck up now and cop the fuck on unless they want to be singing jihad and sharia tunes. All the parties are our enemy now apart from the upcoming one. Most people finally woke up I think now. Time for every native Irish to get off their holes and vote for their country and kick the scroungers fffg brought in.

      2. With the indian fanook in charge of ireland, of course you don’t have to be a citizen there to vote, the fanook makes decisions for irish people when he is not even irish himself, his allegiance is to immigrants as his father was one, an immigrant.

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