CBS News Claims Original Video Of Biden Wandering Off Was “Digitally Altered”

Then replaces it with a cropped version

CBS News posted a segment claiming that the viral video of Biden wandering off at the G7 summit last week was a “cheap fake,” then it removed the original video from the segment and replaced it with a tight cropped version.

You cannot make this up.

“Misleading video clips of President Biden watching a skydiving demonstration at the G7 summit in Italy went viral last week, prompting the White House to say Biden is victim to a simpler version of ‘deepfakes.’ So, what are ‘cheap fakes?’ the anchor announced before bringing on an “executive editor” to lecture anyone watching not to believe their own eyes.

Here’s the segment with the cropped video and the parroting of the White House talking point about “cheap fakes”, with a further post by CBS stating it replaced the original video:

Now, here is the original segment that included the real full video, which people were sharing.

Note how CBS News labelled the video as “digitally altered.”

Wait what? Do you see what they are doing here?

Here they are side by side:

This is some next level 1984 style Ministry of Truth propaganda.

The full wide unedited version of the video, which again is what people were sharing, clearly shows Biden wandering off and is even more damning.

That’s why they’re trying to make out that the original video is the cheap fake.

The target audience for this latest firmware update:

Meanwhile, Axios has cited a Democratic strategist close to the Biden campaign in a report that claims there is no strategy to defeat Trump.

“It is unclear to many of us watching from the outside whether the president and his core team realize how dire the situation is right now, and whether they even have a plan to fix it,” the strategist told Axios, adding “That is scary.”

The source added, “Some advisers feel pressure not to speak up in meetings, especially when in the presence of Biden’s most trusted and longest serving aides.”

“Even for those close to the center, there is a hesitance to raise skepticism or doubt about the current path, for fear of being viewed as disloyal,” the anonymous official told the outlet.

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Comments 4
  1. As usual CBS gets it wrong. Biden clearly DID wander off. Regardless of why, it was rude and shows he is easily distracted in an “Ooo, something shiny over there” moment. Totally unaware of the welcoming speech & had to be physically brought back to reality.

  2. The real deep fakes: every mainstream media outlet and political parties of the current western society – that’s deep fake!!!

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