PBS Segment Claims Trump Wants To “Purge” Gay People From America

Completely deranged

In a ludicrous paranoid segment on PBS NewsHour this week, the network’s White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez claimed that Donald Trump is not only planning to roll back “civil rights,” but also to “purge” LGBT people from the country.

Barron-Lopez and anchor William Brangham made the assertions while discussing Trump’s real criticism of transgender surgery and hormone therapy being carried out on children, and biological men competing in women’s sports.

“On the campaign trail, Trump has been talking about what he plans to do if elected in November, and that includes rolling back the rights of millions of LGBTQ people. It’s part of a wider playbook to undo many modern civil rights advances for minority groups,” Brangham asserted.

He then introduced Barron-Lopez, who claimed Trump “plans quick action if elected,” against LGBT people.

She then suggested that Trump and “roughly 100 right-wing organisations led by the Heritage Foundation,” have a secret plan to wipe out LGBTQ people… or something.

What does the dastardly plan consist of? Eliminating DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) from government mandates and banning federal funding for teaching Critical Race Theory.

OK, those things are not civil rights. If anything they are in direct opposition to civil rights because they discriminate based on skin colour.

Barron-Lopez, who is also a CNN political analyst, then complained that Trump will “rescind health-care protections for transgender people and urge Congress to define gender as male and female, fixed at birth.”

Without any actual explanation or evidence she further asserted that “this plan also is trying to stop any and all acknowledgement of an acceptance of gender identity and LGBTQ people, period.”

The correspondent then quoted Professor Thomas Zimmer at Georgetown, “who studies authoritarian regimes,” noting “Trump wasn’t necessarily able to institute this in 2017, when he first took office, because he didn’t have the amount of loyalists that he plans on having across the board. And with these new loyalists, Zimmer said, he can advance a white Christian evangelical ideal of American society.”

VT of Zimmer was then played where he stated “It is opposed to egalitarian democracy because it fundamentally does not agree that all people are equal or deserve to be treated as equal citizens. Only those who belong to the “true people,” to real America, deserve that. And so everyone else needs to either be purged from the nation or, at the very least, accept their sort of lesser place in society.”

Barron-Lopez then stated “Professor Zimmer added that that type of purging he’s talking about takes roots in the McCarthyism of the early 1950s, where they essentially tried to sweep away anyone across American society that would deviate from perceived norms.”


So they’re saying essentially because he believes there are two sexes, that means Trump wants to root out and “eliminate”sweep away” all LGBTQ people.

What a juicy slice of leftist kookery that was.

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Comments 34
  1. Trying to make Trump into Hitler so they can justify riots and civil war when Trump triumphs over gravy brain.

    1. No, they are not trying “to make Trump into Hitler” it’s real and it’s his own thing that he admitted to it’s called project 2025, look it up!

  2. I don’t think Trump would be able to accomplish this policy during his administration. However, he could set the stage for this to be accomplished in upcoming administration. Sometimes it takes a while to make improvements.

  3. Its called Grasping at Straws=Scaring The Gay Community For Votes!!-Can’t Fix Stupid! Especially If Your Living in a Fantasy Dumbocrapic World!!

    1. It’s not “grasping at straws and scaring the gay community for more votes” it’s actually true, look up project 2025 when you can

  4. In typical PBS fashion no one was presented to refute the talking heads outlandish claims. Instead they presented only people in lock step with her.

    “Loyalist?” the babbling buffoon says repeatedly. Oh, she must mean something like the Loyalists Biden has riddled the entire judicial system with. Even the military. Biden Loyalists who do his bidding in “investigating” and locking up his opposition. Anything to keep Trump off the ballot. That kind of Loyalists? Trump would have to go a long way to even catch up with that level of outright treasonous behavior.

    1. It’s bad enough I’m forced to pay PBS with my tax dollars. I’m sure as hell not giving them a dime otherwise.

    1. Yup. I don’t want gender confused people in my government and certainly not the military!
      LGBTQers aren’t known to be military strategists or killers. When your worldview is so skewed…you’re not able to represent me!

  5. Nobody cares if you are LGBTQ. Just as long as you keep your fcking hands off the kids and keep your warped ideology out of the classroom and the workplace.

        1. It absolutely is. That’s what drag queen story hour in schools is. That what parading elementary schoolers around waving pride flags is. It’s a mental illness that is being spread to the most vulnerable and easily manipulated.

          1. It’s not because when you look up the term it literally says in public libraries not schools, and it’s the parents fault if they know that their local library does that. Also why are you acting like there aren’t any bi or gay kids? I have classmates that realized they were bi or gay in middle school (1 possibly in Elementary) and no they weren’t “easily manipulated.” Also there’s people in YouTube videos that said they’ve known at an early age.

    1. That’s not happening, and you clearly care about them, or else you wouldn’t be talking about them if you didn’t

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