There’s Been an Update

Same bad advice as ever.

The female influencer gang raped by 7 men in India is still giving interviews to the media basically telling other women to go to India.

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Comments 5
  1. Kook Progs frame every argument as an either/or. Either you travel everywhere or you never travel. That’s disingenuous.

    My family and I travel but there is no way I would travel to countries where we would face an increased risk of physical violence. It’s called risk management. Unfortunately people like this couple forgo it and then encourage others to do the same. Stupid.

  2. Sounds Like It Wasn’t The First Time And Actually All Part Of The Gypsy Life!-Just Another Day/Night In The Life Of!-Promoting a Gang Rape Tour Seems A Little Strange But Some Women Apparently Live For It?-There Is A Woman Who Holds The World Title Somewhere and Its in the Hundreds!!-BIZARRE!!

  3. The way the UK is going, it won’t be long before the Cotswolds is just as dangerous for women. The rate we are still importing the 3rd world is horrendous.

  4. Yet another stupid woman.

    This little trophy wife feels empowered? Honey, shut your yap and go make your husband a sandwich.

    Face palm…

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