CNN And Axios Whine About Elon Musk Being “Radicalised” Against Biden

Musk is “spitting corrosive venom” by warning a wide open border is bad

The leftist media is panicking that Elon Musk, one of the richest and most influential people in the US, has been “radicalised” by the right to paint up Joe Biden as an “existential threat” to America.

CNN weasel Oliver Darcy published a piece Tuesday headlined Radicalized by the right: Elon Musk puts his conspiratorial thinking on display for the world to see, in which he claims Musk “spent another weekend swimming in the right-wing fever swamps of X.”

Darcy complains that in the interview with Don ‘give me a cybertruck’ Lemon, “Musk equated moderating dangerous and appalling hate speech to “censorship,” bashed the press for legitimate reporting, assailed DEI programs without supporting evidence, skewered advertisers who fled the X platform last year and yet again gave credence to the racist Great Replacement theory.”

In other words, he spoke negatively about everything leftist hacks base their entire belief system on.

Darcy further complained about Musk criticising the “woke mind virus” and, correctly, pointing out that the left wing media is the “enemy of the people,” because among a whole litany of other crimes against journalism, it attempted to whip up a fake controversy over Donald Trump saying the word “bloodbath”.

“At this juncture, calling Musk a right-wing shitposter is no longer provocative. It’s simply accurate,” Darcy whined, adding that it is “unhinged” and “erratic” for Elon to state that if there is not a “red wave” in November, then “America is doomed.”

Poor baby Darcy, someone disagrees with your opinion. It must mean they are unhinged and radicalised.

Darcy whined that “In his ownership of X alone, Musk controls one of the world’s most important communications platforms, spitting corrosive venom into the public discourse at a faster speed than his SpaceX rockets hurtle into orbit.”

Meanwhile, Axios published a piece complaining that “Elon Musk is increasingly treating the prospect of President Biden’s re-election as an urgent — even existential — threat to America,” and that he has made a “MAGA alliance.”

It continues, “Musk has shared the conspiracy theory that Biden is intentionally “importing” millions of undocumented immigrants to boost Democrats’ political power, as well as numerous posts portraying immigrants as security threats.”

Ah yes, that ‘conspiracy theory’ that illegal immigrants are being intentionally let in the country and are committing crimes.

Meanwhile, Musk continues to spread the ‘conspiracy theory’:

One might argue that Biden is doing a pretty damn good job of painting himself up as an existential threat to America without Elon Musk’s help.

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Comments 4
  1. We need more people like Musk and far less people like Biden. Musk is correct – Biden IS an existential threat to the US and the rest of the world.

  2. He believes the same things that 99% of the other people in the US believe. He must be a radicalized rightist.

  3. its really sad how having any sort of decent moral compass and not being seven different kinds of perverted and insane, automatically makes you a “racist conservative far right wing radical white supremacist republican nazi extremist misinformation spreading conspiracy theorist” to the clowns who follow mainstream media and to mainstream media itself.

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