Biden Goes on Apology Tour After Calling Illegal Alien Murderer an “Illegal”

Leftists more upset about one word than the actual murder itself.

Joe Biden is now seemingly on an apology tour after accurately describing the illegal immigrant who killed Laken Riley as an “illegal” in his State of the Union speech.

The 22-year-old nursing student at Augusta University was kidnapped and killed by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela when she was jogging at the University of Georgia last month.

Biden accurately described her murderer as an “illegal” during his address to the nation, but only after being pressured into doing so by Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Leftists who didn’t care at all about the murder are still mad at Biden for using the word “illegal,” and he’s now on an apology tour to try to make up for it.

During your response to her heckling you, you used the word ‘illegal’, when talking about the man who allegedly killed Laken Riley,” an MSNBC host chastised Biden.

“An undocumented person,” he responded, “I shouldn’t have used illegal, it’s undocumented,” before Biden attacked Trump for the way he talks about illegal immigrants.

“I’m not gonna treat any of these people with disrespect. Look, they built the country,” the president added.

Apparently, illegal alien murderers built America.

Respondents on X slammed Biden and the leftist media.

As we previously highlighted, both Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Chuy García were also incensed that Biden used the word “illegal”.

Respondents on X pointed out that Garcia had never even previously expressed any outrage about the murder itself.

As we also highlighted yesterday, the left is still pushing a narrative that conservatives are using the murder of Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant as a political point scoring stunt, despite the fact that the girl’s own family has slammed Joe Biden as “pathetic”.

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Leftists Claim “The Right Wing Politicised” Laken Riley, Despite Her Own Mom Calling Biden “Pathetic”

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Comments 2
  1. When ”Truth” becomes ”Lie”
    and ”Lie” becomes ”Truth”
    and telling the TRUTH they call a LIE
    gets you five years in the Gulag…..
    … find yourself hoping that Russia will have the good sense
    to nuke the sh_t outta your country as fast as Humanly possible!

  2. He did not “allegedly” kill her…he killed her.

    They are illegals.

    No, they did not build the country.

    No, they are not raising the economy…they are destroying the economy.

    Biden is such a dumbass…and a liar.

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