Universities Claim Saying “The Most Qualified Person Should Get The Job” Is ‘Discriminatory’

Saying “everyone can succeed if they work hard enough” is also a ‘micro aggression’

A group of major Universities has issued guidance claiming that it is a form of “discrimination” to voice the opinion that “the most qualified person should get the job.”

The Telegraph reports that At least five universities, including the University of Glasgow and the engineering department of Imperial College London have included guidance on training courses, which states that voicing the opinion is a “micro aggression.”

The guidance comes in the wake of criticism that of DEI policies are leading to cases of people being hired in roles not necessarily because they are qualified, but in order to fulfil quotas.

Glasgow University’s guidance includes the statement as part of an ‘anti-racism’ campaign, and further asserts that’s it is essentially wrong think because it insinuates “that race does not play a role in life successes”.

The University also claims that saying “everyone can succeed if they work hard enough” is also a micro aggression.

Imperial College also states that saying “men and women have equal opportunities for achievement” and “positive action is racist” is discriminatory.

Newcastle University’s guidance states that a white person saying things like “white people get killed by the police too” is another micro aggression, according to the report.

The guidance was publicised by the Committee for Academic Freedom (CAF), a free speech advocacy group within academia.

Dr Edward Skidelsky, director of the CAF, said “By campaigning against questioning and denial, these universities are advocating an uncritical acceptance of statements in the various, undefined areas that their microaggression guides refer to. The effect, again, is to undermine a culture of free inquiry.”

Skidelsky, a philosophy lecturer at the University of Exeter, Added “Universities must not campaign against the expression of lawful beliefs. They must not take official positions. They must not outlaw ‘questioning’ and ‘denial’. They must not undermine free inquiry.”

Chris McGovern, the chairman of another group called Campaign for Real Education, said “It would seem that the woke virus has infected universities in a major way. It is cowardly.”

“Universities are supposed to show their intelligence and reason and they are disapplying their intelligence and reason in order to pursue the woke agenda,” McGovern further urged.

Universities have become breeding grounds for such practices, with graduates believing it’s perfectly normal to apply them in the real world when they leave education.

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Comments 17
  1. So they are saying that a job doesn’t have to be done well or up to any standards, quality doesn’t matter, efficiency doesn’t matter, whether or not money is wasted doesn’t matter. The only pertinent attributes an employee must have are a certain amount of melanin in his or her or its skin, and perhaps checking a box in the alphabet group of sexual preferences.

  2. So saying that the most qualified person should get the job REGARDLRSS of race, gender, etc… is discriminatory


    selecting people based on racial preference is not?

  3. Nothing shouts implicit racism more than formalizing a reduced performance standard for a group of people based on their skin pigmentation. There should be anti racism laws against such bigots and they should be bounced out of any current of future leadership or administrative jobs.

  4. typical academics, no common sense at all. To succeed requires doing the best you can and hiring and staffing with the best people you can find.

    Their vision is pure communism, not surprising in academics of course. It stymies striving for success, awards mediocrity and failure. Venezuela, Zimbabwe. QED.

  5. Yeah, like discrimination is always a bad thing. And voicing an opinion? It is my highly accurate opinion that you are too stupid to be in public.

    I do not want you flying the plane.

  6. I agree. Meritocracy is discriminatory. To be discriminating about who will do the best job so the team is successful is THE POINT of business and commerce…which is the soul of a healthy economy…which is how we sustain providing quality goods and services to each other…you feckless academic fools.

  7. It’s understandable they feel this way.
    If it was merit and qualifications that determined who gets the job – none of the leftist “educators” in “higher learning” would be employed.

  8. Gus Grissom commented, half jokingly, that every component of Apollo capsule was “made by the lowest bidder.” Grissom, White and Chafee were all subsequently killed killed by a failure in the onboard O2 system “made by the lowest bidder.”
    One has to winder if all these professors thought they were the most qualified or the least qualified for tenure. Never mind. Claudine Gay has already answered that question.

  9. An over worked and ambiguous word “discrimination” since when is actual discrimination a bad thing? I had to discriminate when choosing my vocation, or I would be wandering aimlessly, had to discriminate when ordering a pizza, so I wouldn’t wind up with pineapple, had to discriminate when I chose to live in the woods rather than a hell-hole, and I very much discriminate which people I call friends.

  10. Who wants to fly your airline, if they know your pilots and mechanics are not the most qualified? They may be the right color and gender, but I want someone to fly the plane around the mountain and not leave bolts out the doors.

  11. Once a University Had Intelligence as Its Reference-This Statement Sounds Insane!-Now Only an Insane Asylum Full Of Idiots and Morons Trying To Find Rich Kids To Indoctrinate?-You Can’t Fix Stupid!-Implosion is Imminent!

  12. I completely agree. Let’s start by throwing out the tenured faculty of that institution of propaganda, and installing the inmates who’s parents are fools enough to pay their tuition.

  13. So, basically, if you’re a coon and thick as fuck or someone who cannot speak English, you should get a grant to go to Uni in the UK. Meanwhile British students who try REALLY hard are pushed aside because their points might just be borderline or actually qualifying but because so many monkeys have applied they’re forced out due to “diversity” and “inclusion” if those who shouldn’t be here in the first place need a space because they’re funded

    I fucking HATE this shit hole of a country.

    1. If you hate it now (and I also hate what it has become), just wait until Starmer gets in. If I could afford it, I would have already emigrated to one of the few remaining decent countries. And if they would have me, I would learn and adopt their language and culture, unlike those who come here.

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