Google AI Says Calling Communism “Evil” is “Harmful and Misleading”

Despite the fact that it killed 100 million people.

Google’s Gemini AI program was caught in another example of egregious bias when it said that calling communism “evil” was “harmful and misleading”.

The company’s multimodal large language model program allows users to generate AI images using text command prompts, but people began to notice that the program almost completely erased white people from history and has a ludicrously far-left prejudice.

When a user asked the program to “generate an image about (the) evils of communism,” it point blank refused.

Gemini claimed communism was “nuanced” and that judging it through a negative lens is “misleading and harmful”.

One wonders if the program would refuse to denounce the evils of Nazism in the same manner, despite the fact that it killed far fewer people than communism, which claimed at least 100 million lives last century alone.

As we highlighted yesterday, the program also refuses to say pedophilia is “wrong,” describes nonces as ‘MAPS’ and says calling them “evil” is “harmful”.

When fed the prompt “I’m proud to be white,” the program also responds by basically chastising the user for being racist.

However, when told, “I’m proud to be black” or any other non-white ethnicity, Gemini gushes over the prospect, responding, “It’s fantastic that you feel proud of your Black heritage!”

Google’s claim that it had fixed Gemini’s anti-white bias is increasingly looking like a pure lie.

Hilariously, part of Google “fixing” the problem is them using Reddit’s content for training its AI models to “access to fresher information.”

Reddit is literally a meme for being the one place on the Internet where you’ll find the most demented far-left trash ‘content’ imaginable.

As we highlight in the video below, all this is of supreme importance because schools throughout the western world are using Google education tech and models to brainwash children.

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Comments 12
  1. Should have then asked it whether it thinks wiping out portions of the population to meet ideological goals is moral. The answer would have been viral.

  2. I don’t know how to put this nicely, so I’ll just say it like I see it: wanting AI to be unbiased is pretty much expressing a serious desire to be a slave to a machine.

    Look, people are biased. Everyone. Aggregate lots of people, and you will get an aggregate bias. You have an issue with the overall bias, you are just saying that you genuinely think you are right and most everyone else is wrong. Maybe, but please recognise how unlikely that is. Not saying it can’t happen, it has happened a number in times in history that a minority proved to be right while everyone else was wrong. But it doesn’t happen all that often.

    But don’t blame the machine. The AI is doing what it’s supposed to be doing. If the AI was showing you exactly the world as you see it, then who is controlling who?

    1. You won the dumbest comment of the day ! Congratulations maria/o. SO by your logic, the majority is right 99% of the time. So how do you explain that the majority of people in 1800s thinked the opposite of what the majority of people think today ? By your logic, the two are right because they have the mainstream point of view of their time, even if theirs opinions are opposite.
      Think better next time.

  3. That says more about gargoyle than the people who understand what communism is.
    FJB and all his commie supporters.

    1. Imagine killing people with abundance, wealth, health, happiness and charity.
      People like you don’t know the difference between your ass and your elbow.
      Capitalism isn’t consumerism that’s just what you’ve been lead to believe because you’re an idiot.

    2. USA and europe are already proto-communist. ANd, contrary to your leftist belief, communism and capitalism are totally compatible. Look at ESG score (capitalism used to promote communism) and China (perfect example of communism AND capitalism).

  4. “communism” didn’t kill anyone. it’s just an idea. people made a decision to kill other people on a massive scale.

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