Man Who Destroyed Satanic Shrine In Iowa Capitol Charged With ‘Hate Crime’

Objecting to Satanic displays in public is now ‘hateful’

Michael Cassidy, a Christian veteran who decapitated a Satanic shrine on display in the Iowa State Capitol building, has been charged with a ‘hate crime’.

Yes, really.

If you object to literal Satanic displays in public buildings you are now hateful.

Back in December, Cassidy, beheaded the caped figure placed in the building by The Satanic Temple, and threw the goat skull that was serving as its head in a bin.

Cassidy was quoted as stating that he took the action to “awaken Christians to the anti-Christian acts promoted by our government.”

Instead of simply charging him with misdemeanor damage to property or vandalism, the Des Moines Register reports that Polk County prosecutors charged the veteran with felony third-degree criminal mischief, arguing that the act was “in violation of individual rights” under Iowa’s hate crime statue.

A statement from the Polk County Attorney’s Office claimed that “Evidence shows the defendant made statements to law enforcement and the public indicating he destroyed the property because of the victim’s religion.”

Cassidy is raising money for his legal defense on his GiveSendGo page, which notes “Out of the millions of Christians in this nation, Cassidy was the first to act in bravery and conviction. He was not willing to see God reviled, especially in a building where lawmakers are supposed to honor Jesus Christ as King and look to his law for wisdom as they legislate with justice and righteousness.”

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Comments 20
  1. The statue was erected not to celebrate satanism but, to mock Christianity. Christian mockery is a large focus of the “black mass”.
    A compulsion shared in a lot of these commenters.

  2. To lighten the mood, a little joke: A Priest, a Baptist Minister, and a rabbit go into a bar. With a puzzled look, the bartender asks the rabbit what he’d like to drink. The rabbit replies “I haven’t the slightest idea. I’m only here because of Autocorrect.”

  3. Dear religious crazies.
    You didn’t have a problem with it when it was your religion.
    Now you have a problem with it when it’s someone elses.
    God HATES hypocrites, so God hates you

        1. Great that you are triggered you christian moron, go back to your sheep flock.

          Christianity, islam and judaism are just garbage ideologies.

    1. This case clearly shows what a slippery slope so-called “Hate Crimes” are. Very minor offenses are now hate crimes.

      Thing is Satanism is not a religion, it’s a bunch of grown-up kids hanging out at their clubhouse. They just enjoy giving the middle finger to Christians. Probably Muslims too but they are too cowardly to admit it. If they did that there would be more than just inanimate displays beheaded. In this case they poked the bears once too often and one decided to demonstrate how he felt about being prodded.

      If he is guilty of committing a hate crime, then the people who allowed this “display” to be put up on public grounds are guilty of malicious provocation. They KNEW what doing so could lead to so they are primary contributors to the “crime.” Aiding and abetting. Not the makers of the display since kids are going to do what kids do. They have every right to make it and put it on private property and, if allowed to, they have every right to put it on public property.

  4. Proof again that “religion poisons everything” Every “believer” in religious nonsense is a demonstrable cult following lunatic. Why can’t any of these “gods” ever do their own work huh? Why do they require red neck lunatics or muslim psychos for the simplest of tasks?

    1. Because many things are not God’s “job.” Whatever people can do is OUR job. For example, protecting children from rapists and murderers. Can we do it? You betcha. But do we? Not nearly well enough. People say “Why doesn’t God protect these poor little ones?” That’s not God’s job. We are capable so it’s our job. Same with the loss of life in natural disasters such as earthquakes. That can be ameliorated to great extent with better (read “expensive”) building techniques. Japan has come a long way in that regard.

      Thing is, it’s also our job to figure out how to do it. Some people take the job quite seriously. Their methods can be as bad as the crime. All to often even worse. As things are currently structured, it’s the lunatics who will sometimes (maybe often) bubble to the top because they want the job the most. That’s a big problem. One human kind will have to eventually solve to do their job well.

      Of course that leads to the question, what are God’s jobs? IMO, it’s largely the spiritual aspects of things. Things we can’t, as yet, do much about. If one believes in God, then most also believe in an afterlife or reincarnation (or both). That brings with it a host of other “things” such as evil entities that seem to be unseen to us until we die. Not to mention entities which can cause humans to do evil or good. Very likely an afterlife existence is a very chaotic existence and one can easily lose their way. Which is why faith is important. Faith gives one a path through the chaos. A pre-death mindset which allows us to react to the chaos almost instinctively. What we expect to happen is what usually happens. This is somewhat being proven by the “observer effect” in quantum physics. Though that still has a long way to go to be accepted as reality. Until then we go on faith. Faith is not unusual. We have faith we will make it home alive (or at least in one piece) when we go somewhere in our cars, despite the large number of traffic deaths and injuries. It’s somewhat a verifiable faith but, on the individual car level, it’s not at all verifiable. It becomes a crap-shoot, chock full of elusive variables.

      1. Thank you, well done, bless you
        I’m sure like you that responsibility can belong to the state, as they and their puppeteers know what they are provoking
        Best wishes from England UK

  5. Jesus is lucifer and jehovah is baal, moloch, saturn, true story.

    Put that into your pipes and smoke it you jew loving chrisians evangelical christian israel butt munchers.

    1. It’s Mohammad who is more likely to be Lucifer/Satan. When he comes back it is said he will be emerging from a certain sacred well. Unlike Jesus who will descend from the heavens/sky. So would that not make Mohammad to be coming from Hell?

      1. Mohammad is fiction, it is just based on middle-eastern warlords, you would want to be off your rocker to believe some arab dude was visited in a cave by angels.
        Jesus is lucifer, both are interchangable solar deities representing various aspects of solarlight energy, mary is venus, the biblical god is saturn, thats your classical baal, moloch, roman saturn hypothetically speaking.

        1. Also satan does not exist, the word just means enemy/adversary, the designers and writers of the bible used the word satan to represent various pre-christian deities as evil they labelled it satan as in enemy, when in fact christians burned women alive on wooden stakes, christianity it can be argued is pure evil.

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