WSJ Editor-in-Chief Tells Davos Elites ‘We No Longer Own The News’

“We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well”

During a discussion titled ‘Defending Truth,’ The editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal admitted to Davos elites that the legacy media no longer ‘own the facts’ and people are much more likely to question what they report as truth.

Emma Tucker told a crowd at the World Economic Forum, “I think there’s a very specific challenge for the legacy brands, like the New York Times and like the Wall Street Journal.”

She continued, “If you go back really not that long ago, as I say, we owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well.”

“If it said it in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, then that was a fact,” Tucker further stated, adding “Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news and they’re much more questioning about what we’re saying.”


During the same discussion, Věra Jourová, Vice-President of the European Commission, complained about the rise of ‘disinformation’ being a “security threat,” noting “It was part of the Russian military doctrine that they will start information war, and we are in it now.”

“Disinformation is a very powerful tool,” Jourová continued, adding that “In the EU we are focusing on improving of the system where the people will get the facts right. We don’t speak about opinions. We are not correcting anyone’s opinions or language. This is about the facts.”


Here is the full discussion:

As we highlighted earlier in the week, Jourová has spent her Davos time meeting the heads of the likes of YouTube and Meta and ensuring they “play by the rules,” while her boss, Ursula von der Leyen called for overarching globalist control over the flow of all information in the digital age.

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Comments 21
  1. It’s to bad this woman doesn’t get to read the comments
    It’s the media that pushed the people away
    the constant lies when the facts are right in front of the people
    Case in point Most peaceful protests that cause 2 billion in damage and burned large parts of cities to the ground
    thus is where you lost the people

  2. There has come to be a certain quality of unctuousness, a pontifical tone and timbre to the reportage of what Ms Tucker calls “legacy media” that people quickly identify as “fake news”.
    In the real world of real affairs, plainspokenness and the matter-of-fact conveyance of facts is valued; when a purported information source like the NYT or WSJ delivers its message from on high, handing it “down” in arch, style-manual phrasing, when such information declares itself arrogantly to be “THE TRUTH”, then people naturally disregard it the way they would disregard any other street-corner evangelist’s shibboleths.


    1. One needn’t lose too many bets at the track before he comes to realize that, while he may not know what horse will win the next race, the tout he’s been relying on to pick his winners is a fraud.


  3. To be fair, Ursula von der Leyen hadn’t heard the inconvenient truth Emma Tucker would later throw in her face or she would have thrown out her speech.

    Nah, she’d claim that too was disinformation, misinformation.

  4. I’m just amazed that they say it out in the open, to the applause of the elites and compliance of the masses.

  5. WOW, the projection on disinformation here is off the charts. Their customers are literally living on different planets in different dimensions. The EU Commission, NYT and WSJ definitions of “disinformation” appears to be anything that disagree’s with their truth. While the average consumer reels off dozens of disinformation headlines from these very folks the past 6 years – from Trump Russia (18 months of headline disinfo) to Covid and Fauci to Climate Change to Transitory Inflation. Beware, the disinformers are saying there’s disinformation out there…..LOL

  6. Wow! That speech would have made Hitler and Goebbels proud. It could have easily come from the mouths of Putin or Xi Jinping unchanged. No doubt the Democrats ears perked up over it. Biden is probably slapping his forehead for not having said it first.

      1. Communism doesn’t like real Jews, they only like the fake kind that don’t take their faith seriously. Communism is a monotheistic religion too.

          1. I’m a jew? You’re the troll who works for Soros, a Jew. Doesn’t that violate your white trash code or something? Will you have to commit the human garbage version of hare kari by overdosing on meth and fentanyl now?

  7. hy do the terrorist never target Davos? they only target trains, subways and low cost planes, where a lot of muslim migrants are. how about a private jet?

    Why do the farmers don’t go to Davos? block private jets..

  8. In the EU we are focusing on improving of the system where the people will get the facts right. ?


    FUCK THE EU! The sooner it breaks up the better.

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