Majority of Americans Think COVID Vaccines Are Linked to Unexplained Deaths

Propaganda not working.

A new poll has found that a majority of Americans think COVID vaccines are linked to unexplained deaths.

The Rasmussen survey found that 53% of Americans believe COVID-19 jabs may be to blame for unexplained deaths, a figure that has increased by 4% over the last year.

Nearly one in four (24%) also say they know someone who has died from the vaccine.

Only a third (33%) believe Americans who express concerns about the vaccine are spreading “conspiracy theories,” while 54% believe there are legitimate reasons to be worried about the safety of the jab.

“Twice as many Republicans (44%) answered that it was very likely that Covid vaccines were to blame for unexplained deaths as compared to Democrats (22%). Conversely, 22% of Democrats think it’s not at all likely that Covid vaccines are causing unexplained deaths, whereas only 7% of Republicans share this view,” writes Rebekah Barnett.

The poll was conducted between January 7th and 9th 2024 and included 1,133 American adults.

The survey results suggest that a multi-year mainstream media campaign of ridicule, public shaming and Internet censorship aimed at convincing people that COVID vaccines are ‘100 per cent safe and effective’ has largely failed.

Oh no, how awful!

As we highlighted yesterday, the World Economic Forum is meeting next week with pharmaceutical companies to discuss ‘Disease X’ – a new potential virus far deadlier than COVID which will require a new massive vaccine rollout.

Good luck with that.

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Comments 15
  1. I know for a fact that the vaccines were developed to kill people.
    My brother inlaw was in an Alabama nursing home, his only health problem was dementia
    The nursing home required him to take the jab in order to stay there.
    He was given the vaccine on Sunday, within two hours he was in the the local hospital emergency room, he died the following Sunday due to multiple blood clots.
    The Doctor was going to subscribe his death to Covid until his wife threatened him with a lawsuit if he didn’t show the cause of his death to what actually killed him, which was of course the blood clots.
    the Doctor relented and showed on his death certificate that he died because of blood clots.

  2. In some ways that this is a Rasmussen poll (often criticized for being pro-Trump) it ought to give Trumpistas pause. Trump’s rushed development and implementation of the mRNA shot using the American people as lab mice prevents me from supporting him in tomorrow’s caucus here in Iowa

    1. Trumpa was sabotaged. Bureaucrats turned his order to make hcq available to all into making it unavailable to all. Hcq alone could have derailed the shots.

    2. Trump through the dice with Operation Warp Speed to save his political hide, sacrificing the American people and billions more around the world, a decision for which he has never apologized, his continued promotion of the jab leading many of his closest followers to chronic illness and death. Screw him and Biden too.

  3. Unfortunately, most folks are stupid sheep and will continue believing the fake “virus” lie and accept the Jab of Death.

    1. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
      I do not feel a damn bit sorry for anyone who took the death jabs REGARDLESS of their reasons.

  4. Within one-degree-of-separation, I know no one who died from complications from COVID-19; however, I know four people who suffered heart attacks/cardiac arrest shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were released. The only one that survived was the one I witnessed, an otherwise healthy vegan woman who now sports and ICD. Lately, a young woman disclosed that she is afraid she might be infertile because her cycle is completely screwed up after taking the jab, a requirement to keep her job.

  5. I’m very fortunate I have a great immune System thanks to the Lord and Mum! I had 2 shots and 1 booster of the Astra-Zeneca type. A couple of months later I had the Flu shot and had a Massive headache for 1 or 2 weeks. Then inside my head the “Eaters” came and it felt like part of my brain was being eaten from the inside! None of my usual treatments worked so I had to put up with the Pain till it went away. I swore that the only vaccine I would have again would be for Tetanus! Stuff the Mongrels who foisted this Death Shot on US! Thx Paul Joseph Watson.

  6. A side effect for me is that I’m now allergic to processed garbage where they put chemicals in that slowly kill you. So win win.

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