Government Workers Told To “THINK” Trans People Are Women

Not enough to just use preferred pronouns

Civil servants in the UK, people working for the government, have been issued guidance that tells them they should show support to transgender identifying colleagues by “thinking of the person as being the gender that they want you to think of them as.”

The Daily Mail reports that the Information Commissioner’s Office, which deals with data protection and privacy laws, shared a memo with staff that essentially noted just using preferred pronouns is not going far enough, and that civil servants must think of trans women as biological women.

The guidance also claims that trans women, biologically male, actually go through the menopause, and that they should never be asked what their ‘real’ or ‘birth’ name is.

Here is a screenshot of part of the memo:

The section on the menopause states that it “is a natural hormone transition that every woman and some trans men, trans women and non-binary people will experience.”

This is a further step beyond government workers previously being told they must check the preferred pronouns of their colleagues and not assume their gender.

Director of the Free Speech Union Toby Young commented “The ICO is supposed to be responsible for protecting people’s privacy. How can it be taken seriously in that role if it’s dictating to its employees what they can and can’t think?”

He continued, “This is like something out of [George Orwell’s novel] 1984, telling people they must not commit thought crime.”

Conservative Party MP Lia Nici added “Why do we need organisations like the ICO to produce guidance to tell people what they should be thinking? We already have protection for everyone in the workplace since the Equality Act was introduced in 2010.”

A statement from the ICO claimed that it is upholding a “commitment to inclusivity for employees,” and that “treating everyone with dignity, respect and compassion is fundamental to the ICO’s work to uphold and protect information rights.”

Don’t you dare engage in wrong think though!

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Comments 14
  1. Phuck these assholes pushing their mental illness on everyone.

    Actually they aré Queer Baphomet cult members AND need to be put in Insane Asylums to make sure they dont harm anyone or themselves when they aré all whacked out on Hormone therapy.

  2. The day I got a memo like that would be the day I start searching for a new position. Preferably one outside of government. Of course it’s almost impossible to get away from this insanity now so I’m not sure where I would go. Oil rig worker? Lumberjack? Some job not likely to be infested with trans anything. Gays and lesbians, no problem. They are still one sex or the other and live their lives by that. Generally you don’t have to walk on eggshells around them. Trans are ticking time bombs because no one is treating their underlying mental problem anymore. Just giving in to it. Malpractice of the worst sort. We know it’s bad when the military is forced to go along with the delusion.

  3. Will they redub of ban “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”?
    Dr. Frank-N-Furter sings he’s “a sweet transvestite”, not a woman; and that’s truly all they are, just like the guy in the Godzilla suit is not really a giant monster (nor has any of the actors donning the suit claimed to be).

    And how do they purport to enforce their law?
    Will some of their drags also “identify” as telepaths and tell on people they “sense” don’t share in their delirium?
    How shall people have to accept being sexually harassed or raped to show their inclusiveness and “right think”?

    Appalling and terrifying.

  4. Got one these at my work. Was a bloke but then decided he was a woman so started wearing a pink syrup and dresses. Think he’s taking hormones as well because he likes low cut tops that accentuate his bitch tits.

    It’s actually kind of sad because no one speaks to him anymore. Women have complained to management that he’s using their toilet and they were told to use the toilets in the other building-so off they went and were away about twenty minutes every time they needed…and he was told to use the disabled toilet as soon as management realised the amount of working time that was being lost/wasted.

    He must look in the mirror in the morning and think he has it…😂

  5. Pussy Brits have completely caved.
    There is no such thing as “trans”…only sick perversion.

    Say “No” to homo.

  6. They/Them are plural pronouns. You can’t use a plural pronoun to describe a singular object or person. It is grammatically incorrect.

    1. Exactly
      They never state “pronouns” to address them directly (you) but indirectly (he/she).
      Do they want to be addressed in the third person???





  8. I don’t know if the UK were told that 1984 is just a novel and not an instruction manual. But here you go lads, its only a novel so you can stop now.

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