Report: Transgender (Male) Police Officers Are STRIP SEARCHING Women

Women’s rights campaigners dub it ‘state-sanctioned sexual assault’

Transgender identifying biologically male police officers are being allowed to strip search women by most police forces in the UK, according to research by women’s rights campaigners.

The Daily Mail reports that out of 43 police forces in England and Wales, at least 34 have either implemented the policy or have plans to put it into place, after lobbying by transgender activists.

The research was carried out by the Women’s Rights Network, and a report authored by retired police superintendent Cathy Larkman, who noted that multiple female police officers have expressed concerns to her over the policy.

Larkman also noted that a serving female officer claims to have been threatened with disciplinary proceedings for speaking out.

“I fear both for my colleagues and for vulnerable suspects,” she told the Mail, adding “A strip search is a humiliating and potentially traumatic experience and everything should be done to ensure a suspect is treated with dignity and respect.”

Founder of WRN, Heather Binning, urged that “Self-identification is not UK law and women should not be paying the price for policing beyond the law,” charging that “Police chiefs have failed us again.”

“This is not reasonable or lawful and we do not consent. It is state-sanctioned sexual assault, and it must not be tolerated,” she added.

Two years ago, the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) released guidelines that stated “Chief Officers are advised to recognise the status of transgender colleagues from the moment they transition.”

“Thus, once a Transgender colleague has transitioned, they will search persons of the same gender as their own lived gender,” the rules further advised.

The guidance also noted that if a detainee refuses to be strip searched and the refusal “is based on discriminatory views,” then police should consider recording a ‘non-crime hate incident’.

In other words, if a woman who has been detained for whatever reason doesn’t wish to be stripped naked by a biological male officer, they can be considered ‘hateful’.

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Comments 7
  1. Women just need to realize that they are on the bottom of the Leftist minority totem pole, now, below men dressing as women.

  2. Well equity isn’t just about black and white. They have to be fair, in their commie eyes. They have to give MAPS and other sexual predators opportunities as well.

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