Al Gore Says People Having Access to Non-Mainstream Information ‘Threatens Democracy’

“They ought to be banned!”

Al Gore says that people having access to information outside of mainstream media sources is a threat to “democracy” and that social media algorithms “ought to be banned.”

Yes, really.

Gore made the comments during an appearance at the Cop28 climate change hysteria conference in Dubai.

Gore whined that social media had “disrupted the balances that used to exist that made representative democracy work much better.”

The former Vice President said that functioning democracy relied on a “shared base of knowledge that serves as a basis for reasoning together collectively” but that “social media that is dominated by algorithms” upsets this balance.

According to Gore, people are being pulled down “rabbit holes” by algorithms that are “the digital equivalent of AR-15s – they ought to be banned, they really ought to be banned!”

Gore claimed, “It’s an abuse of the public forum” and that people were being sucked into echo chambers.

“If you spend too much time in the echo chamber, what’s weaponized is another form of AI, not artificial intelligence, artificial insanity! I’m serious!” he added.

Apparently, the only echo chamber that should be allowed to exist is Gore’s own rabbit hole, wherein the earth is constantly on the brink of destruction thanks to people not obeying his technocratic mandates.

Perhaps Gore is unhappy at his own misinformation being fact checked by individuals who have access to information not produced by corporate media sources that are friendly to him.

Gore infamously predicted that the north polar ice cap would be “ice free” within 5 to 7 years.

It never happened.

As Thomas Cartenacci documents, Gore has a storied history of making climate change predictions that turn out to be spectacularly wrong.

No wonder he wants to ban dissent.

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Comments 26
  1. Actually, it is Al Gore who is a threat to Democracy and it is he who should be banned. What is it with these old Democrats who struck out in their election? They are truly authoritarian terrorists and can’t leave the rest of us alone. They need to be important and will endlessly to remain relevant. That goes for John Kerry, Hilary Clinton and Barak Obama as well. Meanwhile, George Bush keeps a low profile, as he should.

  2. I think there are two separate issues here:

    1. The fact that Al Gore, in spite of being a big face in climate change activism, like many activists he doesn’t know a lot of the facts about climate change. One of the bits I found scariest about “Inconvenient truth 2” was when Al Gore cut this deal in India. It was plain as day that he was reading stuff and he didn’t know what the stuff meant. I kept thinking: why is this guy making this deal at all? He is so clearly not qualified! Why isn’t this decision made among engineers that understand the features of these solar panels and can agree between themselves if these solar panels are, in fact, a good deal for India? As for the bit of predicting an ice-free North pole, I don’t know the guy he was quoting. But I do know another bunch of people who made the same prediction, because I was with them. And I can tell you for sure: most of them were activists, they didn’t know much maths at all, the actual climate scientists walked out, and no matter how many times I insisted the data was too noisy for a parabolic fitting and it only justified linear fitting, they wouldn’t listen.

    2. The fact that there is an awful lot of rubbish in the Internet. There are videos explaining that the Earth is flat and lots of other entirely crazy things. And repeat anything enough times, somebody is going to start thinking that maybe there is some truth there, or why would they repeat it so many times? We need to start being honest about what is achieved by Internet content full of outrageous lies, instead of pretending that everybody is able to figure out the truth by themselves. Because that theory obviously doesn’t work too well.

    Personally, the best I’ve been able to do with common people is tell them: Don’t trust the Internet. Most sites are about as reliable as whatever you hear from a drunk person in the pub. I think the way the Internet is operating, it’s trying to separate the stupidest people from their money and sources of support. Problem is, some of those stupidest people are doing vital jobs, and you wouldn’t want to knock the rug from under their feet. I once had a guy give me an earful of anti-gay stuff… which wouldn’t be an issue if his workplace didn’t have two very non-closeted lesbians, and the workplace wasn’t a manufacturing plant that was making vital industrial equipment. You’d wish that guy felt proud of what he was making every day, but instead, he felt that he was in a shitty job and went to the Internet to find somebody to blame for his feelings of inadequacy… when he shouldn’t have been feeling inadequate in the first place.

  3. At one time al gore’s chatterings weren’t considered mainstream, either, so the article makes no sense, any more than does arguing over syringe vax when nasal vax could have been perfused everywhere and without contraversy. Meanwhile, chrissmass moon shuttle prepares for launch….

  4. ‘reasoning together collectively’ AKA group think/ common purpose. The hive mind is the only way we can be controlled

  5. LMAO.


    You can’t make this shit up. They are laughing at how stupid people are.


      They use magick in the language to subconciously enslave people.

      Look at this.

      COVID 19 = Cerificate Of Vaccination Identification Document. 1 =A. 9=I.

      They hypnotize people, the earth is flat aswell.

      I will get called a moron probably now for trying to wake up people from the hynotization by saying the earth is flat, it is like a drowning swimmer lashing back at someone trying to rescue them.

      They know how to brainwash, they are experts at it.

      Spread the knowledge. Knowledge should be free.

    1. I suspect they are going to do something with the internet in the next decade.

      Remember the nazi cunt SCHWAB on about the CYBER ATTACKS?

      They want to limit the fuck out of the internet, facial recognition to even get on it would seem to be a goal of theirs, just like in reality they want cameras everywhere, on internet they want to be SPYING ON EVERYONE, TRAINING A.I to be the prison guards of the digital overlay system on society, that is why social media is free, it trains A.I. and turns people into mindless robots.

      Vaccines are doing some nasty shit, i would suspect the technology that people are injecting into themselves would be something that we are not yet aware of.

      I am thinking that whatever is in the vaccines, it is something that can grow over time to fuse with the biology of the victim. Would be my guess, it will probably either kill people or turn them into something artificial to be controlled by third parties.

      If they put a computer in people, they own that computer when they patent it. That is why i don’t trust MUSK or technocrats like him.

      If humanity does not stop constantly using the internet, the digital chains will be unbreakable and no one can escape it.

        1. If their cyber polyGAYHOMO plans come to fruition.


          Scary shit, they will be taking a RECTUM ass scan if it means getting their internet back.

          Social media is drug for the sheep.

          They trained the sheep well, likes are their dopamine.

          Humans can be and are herded like animals.

          The biggest trick they played on humans is convincing them they are free when in fact they are anything but free.

          Most people live off food trucks, there is no environment for independent farming going forward, they want TO SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR TO THEIR PENS AND KEEP SHEEP LOCKED IN.

          Drum roll please.

          Step forward climate hoax and hunger games 15 minutes city.

          The native americans and pre-christian europeans had a paradise compared to what is in place now. But we are told they were mindless barbarians.

          They had time and freedom, the two most valuable things in life.

  6. Fuck off AL.

    No one is buying your bullshit.

    The earth is fucking flat, it does not have polar ice caps.
    And no this is not a joke, i am sick of the brainwashing.

    The UN symbol has no ICE CAPS.

    Disney, Nasa, Hollywood out of my brain. Thank you, there done!

    I’m grounded to reality. Ah the tranquility knowing i can’t be so fucking easily hpnotized.

    Call me crazy, but i’m the one who is laughing lol.

  7. Al Gore: We can’t have the truth getting out to the citizens of planet earth, it will ruin our plans for tyrannical control. Me: Too late jack wagon, the truth has been let out of the bag, which has all of you tyrannical control freaks frightened out of your minds. We are coming after all of you and we won’t stop until every last one of you is pushing up stink weed in hell.

  8. Turn view count off. Don’t call Asians dinks or lgbtq alphabet people, or use other offensive words. This website reeks of desperation.
    Its painful, man. Its really painful. The lights are not all on upstairs.
    You need an editor for your articles. You need a creative change, to take some time out and think how you want to express your ideas creatively. In an unhinged, prepubescent, angry way? Something cool, unique, thought-out that makes your readers feel part of something good? Otherwise you’re irrelevant and you won’t have as many followers as you could.
    Think how the critical drinker has key phrases – the message, strong female protagonist and unspecified virus of unknown origin. He uses these when he’s talking but doesn’t make them the whole point – he’s not too pleased with himself over them. That’s your categories ae cringe and should just be normal.

      1. All the ‘elites’ did, the whole lot of them are child fuckers running the world. Epstein was hillarys mo, defo. Nearly as bad as your one who died of turbulence….. hahahahahahaha.

    1. Not in this context, though. It stands for “double income no kids” and was used so by TikTokers calling themselves “dinks”. Not his fault, he was just reacting to it.

      1. I don’t even hate people who do not want to bring children into the world. Especially white males, it is a bad investment, but that is the way they designed society, they make it almost impossible for the common joe to have a secure environment for children.

        1: If you have children, they are going to be handed over to the state for indoctrination. (You could ignore it and accept it, but the brainwashing will be enormous and if you hold alternative views to what the state teaches them, THEY WILL HATE YOU)

        2: You could homeschool, but that can end up costing for a fortune.

        3: Wife stays at home, the income is likely not high enough to sustain a secure family environment and property.

        4: Most women are sluts due to feminism and the idea they can have careers and don’t need men is always a factor in their minds. Think they will be 100% loyal while ALWAYS ON THE INTERNET and watching movies with women acting like whores that brainwash them how they should behave? Forget about loyalty, most of them are absolute sluts and are always thinking of leaving you on a whim if you fail to meet their expectations.

        They will also drain your wallet like a hole in a sinking ship.

        (She could hit the high road and take EVERYTHING EVEN YOUR CHILDREN) She could then meet another man to be the STEP FATHER) That is you real father out of the question and you will be a CUCKOLD.


        5: If you go against certain societal narratives and shield your children from the evils of the world, they can rebel and will hate you.

        With the way the modern world is, you would want to be off your fucking rocker to want to get a woman pregant and have children.

        That being said, i respect any man that would at least try. But all the cards are stacked against you, it’s the honest truth.

        The rulers of this world hate white men.

        I don’t like islam, but lets be real here, they breed like rabbits and their women are loyal and controlled by them due to persuasion of their religon. Not always, but they don’t act like sluts as a general rule.


        Back in the kitchen and make me my dinner. Good woman, behave lol.

        Misogyny is prejudice against women as a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy.

        INDEED. No woman is going to rule me. I believe in patriarchy.

        The bitches of modern society will be ready to pull the trigger words and call me a misogynist pig.

        Sorry women, but that is water off a ducks back.
        Women have great capacity to be Evil and Seductive, love them, hate them, we must recognise what they are and proceed with caution.

        Lest you become a cuckold.

        Finding a modern woman that is 100% loyal and obedient is like trying to find a needle in a haystack these days.

        Our women have become absolute sluts and we must recognise what we are letting into our lives.

        If white men had religious persuasion intact, they will better find traditional roles for their women.

        Women want to be making babies, cooking the dinner, and looking after their men, we must not forget where their rightful place is.


        Also, it is all well and good starting a family, bet let’s be honest, all the cards are stacked against you and you are most likely going to come out deranged at the end of it.

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