Elon Musk Slams “Extinctionist Movement” Who See Humans As A “Plague”

“At a fundamental level you can think of things as a fight between expantionist and extinctionist philosophies”

In a recent interview, Elon Musk warned that those who wish to see humanity thrive are in a fight against those with an “extinctionist” philosophy, environmental extremists who see humans as a “plague on the Earth.”

Musk was speaking to the Cato Institute about the “implosion of the birth rate,” noting that we should be “very concerned” because it is “accelerating in most countries.” 

“If there are no humans, there’s no humanity,” Musk simplified, adding “we need to make them somehow.”

The Space X owner continued, “In the sort of extreme form of the environmentalist movement, people start to view humans as a plague on the surface of the earth, as a fundamentally bad thing, and with the implication that if all humans disappeared, somehow earth would be better off.”

Musk labeled it “The Extinctionist Movement,” urging that “I think at a fundamental level, you can think of things as a fight between expansionist and extinctionist philosophies.”

“That’s what really matters. If humans go extinct or civilisation collapses, whatever policies we may have are irrelevant,” he further asserted.

Musk further stressed that civilisation and consciousness will end and everything will be left to robots unless we “have an expansionist philosophy.”

“We must seek to go beyond what we’ve done in the past to increase the number of humans,” Musk declared, adding “one way or another, this must happen.”

His final message to the world was “Go forth and multiply.”

It is a warning Musk has been repeating for some time now.

Here is the full interview:

As we have previously highlighted, an alarming number of leftists have almost unwittingly embraced a fundamentally anti-human or trans-human philosophy held by elitist snobs, smearing anyone who suggests having babies is good as “far right.”

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Comments 6
  1. I feel this comment is again an attack on the woman, the female. The core problem is: the view points in how societies are currently regulated in relation to nature are implied in a very male and paternalistic way. The male destructive way is currently on the verge of anarchism because of its failures and it is the female which is blamed again because she births too many children.

  2. I picture the best way for the human race to survive is to humor the “extinctionists” and make sure they are extinct first.

  3. Elon Musk is the most successful of the “fake it till you make it” Silicon Valley con men. He started by promising people Pay Pal when the security measures were just not there and hadn’t even been invented, swindled an unknown number of people that trusted him and got hacked because the company was careless, hid his responsibility behind a dense cloud of PR, and moved on to other ventures where again he kept promising what he didn’t have and delivering well under the promises.

    So it’s a very safe bet that most of whatever he says on any subject is rubbish. But to break it down, because today I’m a feisty mood:

    1. “Extinctionists” are mostly an Internet invention. I’ve met Extinction Rebellion people, and they don’t believe that. The closest I’ve ever come to an “extinctionist” was a guy that disrupted a climate change meeting by claiming he came to fight our supposed beliefs that of course we did not have. I was furious with the moderator for even letting him speak, you don’t normally let people that talk rubbish disrupt any serious meeting. Do you let a guy that goes on about aliens disrupt a Council meeting? I suppose there are some such extinctionists in places like London because in big cities you always find some pretty crazy people, but who cares about a small number of people talking rubbish?

    2. Birth rate is low because the economy is down and the level of insecurity of just about everyone is sky-high, which always brings down the birth rate. The problem doesn’t get solved by telling people to go have babies, it gets solved by being less economical with the truth. In other words: Dear government, do you mind explaining how we are going to feed any future babies, give them decent homes, keep the lights and heating on, not lose our jobs, etc.? Because what people are hearing right now isn’t convincing in the least.

    3. Everything will be left to robots unless we are expansionist? What is he even talking about? Robots need energy to run, so where is the energy coming from to power all those robots? Considering that fossil fuels are running out and the energy transition isn’t going all that well? There is no way of leaving everything to robots.

    1. I’m more inclined to agree with Musk. You apparently haven’t been paying attention. You should read more and comment less.
      Go buy a book.

  4. I don’t think we’ll go extinct, but there will be a population crash and a technological crash, because they won’t have the specialized people they need to support a technologically advanced culture.

  5. Yes, Humans ARE a plague!
    Satan’s Children, the Nazis, lead Human Cowards by the nose!
    Straight down to Hell!
    Don’t know WHAT Butthead approved the downgrade from Dinosaurs to Humans but that should have never happened!

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