Leftists Respond to Le Pen Winning Euro Election by Throwing Violent Hissy Fit

Say they’re fighting for “democracy” after losing a democratic vote.

Far-left extremists rioted in Paris and other French cities, lobbing projectiles at police, as they threw hissy fits over the “far-right” winning EU elections while claiming they were protesting to preserve “democracy.”

Police launched tear gas against the rioters in France’s capital city as demonstrators chanted “ACAB” (All Cops Are Bastards).

The protests are being promoted by 5 top French unions which are urging young people to “demonstrate as widely as possible” over the coming week.

“Our Republic and our democracy are in danger,” the unions warned. “We need a democratic and social revival. Otherwise, the extreme right will come to power.”

The irony of demonstrating against the results of a democratic vote in the name of fighting for “democracy” was apparently lost on the idiots.

“Demonstrations also mobilized thousands of people across France: some 2,200 in Marseille, according to the police, more than 2,500 in Rennes, around 1,500 people in Bordeaux and another thousand in Montpellier and Besançon,” reports LeMonde.

Sings carried by the rioters said “The extreme right in power will not let go, let’s fight them now!” as militants had temper tantrums over other French people expressing their democratic right to vote.

Demonstrators also carried placards that read, “Make racists afraid again” and “No to the Hate era,” while marchers in Toulouse asserted, “No fascists in the neighborhoods, no fascists in the Assembly!”

In Lyon, protesters compared Marine Le Pen to Hitler, while in Saint-Etienne, demonstrators labeled her supporters “racists” and “fascists” (haven’t heard that one before).

Someone should perhaps tell them that attacking police officers can’t change the result of national elections.

As we highlight in the video below, the agitators are merely amplifying the hysteria of the political class in venting their fury at the rise of genuine populist parties who actually represent the will of the people.

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Comments 5
  1. The “random” attack on the bar by uniformed organized Antifa cultists you mean? These should be dealt with by guns and tazers and these destructive acts would end in days by these little cowards.

  2. “Our Republic and our democracy are in danger,” – dumber than a rock.. there is not a single republic left on earth. last one was USA until 1913.. Than it become a democracy.. democracy is a dictatorship, while Republic is a free society.. In a Republic, nobody can decide for you or for your money.. In a dictatorship, the state will steal your money, decide for you, what you are allowed to eat, what to inject your body with, where you are allowed to go…

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