Police Officer Stabbed by Afghan Migrant Dies From Injuries

Rouven L. mistakenly targeted wrong suspect during frenzied attack.

The police officer who was stabbed by an Islamist after mistakenly tackling the wrong suspect during a shocking incident in Mannheim, Germany, has died from his injuries.

The terrorist, later revealed to be a 25-year-old Afghan migrant, targeted Michael Stürzenberger, a right-wing political activist, during the attack, which left him and five other people injured.

A video of the shocking incident shows the migrant on the frenzied stabbing spree as members of Stürzenberger’s campaign team wearing blue jackets attempt to apprehend him.

A police officer, subsequently named as Rouven L., mistakenly tackles the wrong person and tackles one of the men wearing the blue jackets to the ground.

He is then stabbed in the neck from behind by the terrorist.

Some respondents saw a horrendous irony in the fact that the officer targeted the wrong person, an act that led to his death, and compared it to the fate of Europe as a result of political leaders opening the border to mass migration.

Karlsruhe public prosecutor’s office, the Mannheim police headquarters, and the State Criminal Police Office jointly announced that the officer had succumbed to his injuries on Sunday evening.

“All our thoughts are with the officer’s family, relatives, and colleagues,” Minister-President of the state of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann told reporters, adding the attack was proof of the “often incalculable risk police officers are exposed to every day” in Germany.

The police officer underwent emergency surgery after the attack after being induced into a coma that he did not wake from.

“We are deeply shocked – the loss affects us all very much and leaves us speechless,” said a statement from Mannheim police, adding, “The entire police family is thinking of the friends, relatives, and family of the deceased colleague.”

Stürzenberger himself, who was demonized by the media as a right-wing extremist despite being the primary target of the attack, also paid tribute to the deceased.

“Terrible news: The police officer who was stabbed twice in the neck by the Afghan knife attacker in Mannheim on Friday unfortunately didn’t make it. My thoughts are with his family and his police colleagues, who could always rely on him. He also did his best in Mannheim on Friday. May Rouven L. rest in peace,” wrote Stürzenberger.

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Comments 11
  1. Your “thoughts and prayers” aren’t going to bring him back from the dead.

    Why anyone would call this “shocking” is a mystery.

      1. Indeed, one traitor less! These traitors attacked farmers, enforced COVID and protect Zionists Agendas!

  2. It is one thing to lament the fact that police officers do their job with a certain obvious risk. It is quite another when left wing politicians deliberately, irresponsibly let invaders into their countries. For what purpose other then destroy the cohesion and culture of their own lands?

  3. No Crocodile Tears here!
    When Cowards give their Homeland to Satan and his Children, this is what happens!
    Soon ALL the Germans will be exterminated in this way!
    This was planned way back in 1897 by Satan’s Children, just like the World War that’s coming!

  4. …schuld an seinem Tot sind die Kollegen die Tatenlos zugesehen haben und viel zu spät reagiert haben. In USA währe der Täter schon 3x getroffen worden. Aber was viele nicht wissen, wen ein deutscher Polizist einen Täter erschießt wird er vom Dienst suspendiert und vor Gericht gestellt um seine Tat für gut oder falsch einzustufen. Aus diesem Grund zögern viele die Waffe zu ziehen. Viele Polizisten werden durch Messerstecher verletzt weil Kollegen abwarten und die Gefahr nicht gleich erkennen, schlechte Ausbildung!

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