Dutch Lawyer Faces Prosecution For Social Media Post Slamming Mass Migration

Expressed anger at white boy being beaten up and thrown on train tracks by migrants.

A Dutch conservative female lawyer is being prosecuted on charges of “racism” and “inciting hatred” after she expressed fury over mass migration in response to a viral video showing a white boy being beaten up and thrown onto a railway track by a gang of migrants.

Raisa Blommestijn revealed how she had received a letter that amounted to an order to appear before a Dutch prosecutor at a court hearing in front of multiple judges on August 19th.

The charges stem from comments Blommestijn made on social media in response to a video of a defenseless Dutch boy being brutally kicked and punched as he lay on the ground at an Amsterdam Metro station in May last year before he was thrown onto the railway track.

“Yet another white man got kicked around in the street by a group of black primates. How many defenseless white people remain to become victims? Countless probably: the open borders elite is importing these people in droves, with all the consequences that entails,” she wrote.

Blommestijn said she was subjected to a four hour police interrogation over her comments and later learned that she would be facing prosecution.

“Until now, it was still unclear what would happen next with this case. Unfortunately, I can tell you that as of today, there is clarity. The sword of Damocles has fallen because this morning I found this letter in my letterbox. A letter that cannot be seen as anything other than a subpoena,” the lawyer told her followers.

The conservative warned that people were being “persecuted for their political opinions” and for opposing mass migration by a nation that is “pretending to be a democracy, a country with freedom of speech.”

Prominent conservatives being punished by authorities for expressing strong anti-mass migration views has become a common theme across Europe, with the state seeking to make an example of them in order to silence dissent.

As we recently highlighted, a German politician was found guilty of ‘incitement’ by a district court after she posted a link to the government’s own statistics on crimes committed by migrants, specifically rape, and asked why they are so disproportionately high.

Three former members of Belgium’s right-wing ‘Nation’ party were also convicted for Facebook posts in which they compared the Brussels district of Molenbeek to Africa due to its massive non-native population and demanded the Belgian government put “our people first.”

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Comments 10
  1. Swiss have being hunting me for 4 years now and I’m just a pensioner they want to put in prison for 4 years.
    Working with Swiss, Dutch arrested and locked me in solitary confinement for 22 hours a day last year. They denied me my medicine. Would not even allow me to read a book. All because I complained to Swiss about authorities about being defrauded by Swiss banker and his rogue lawyer.
    BEWARE!! Reporting crime in EU is now a criminal offense!

    1. Wenn ich das richtig sehe, ist für Sie “Schlauheit” dann doch wohl sich unterwerfen an dunkelhäutigen Schlägern aus primitiven ¨Kulturen”.

    1. If the politicians continue to misread the mood of the population, it ain’t going to end well. We may not have guns in the UK anymore, but a tipping point is rapidly approaching. Come July, we are likely to have a far Left government. Then the excrement will hit the ventilation unit.

  2. That’s how you do it, all commies take note, just make any criticism of your evil policies illegal.

  3. The Foreign Nazis invade and occupy our White Christian Homelands then fill them with 3rd World Feces to replace us Humans!
    Then they say it’s against the law to complain!
    Whose law!?
    Not OUR law!
    Foreign Nazi law!
    Wake up, White Cowards!
    I’ve been trying to get you to DO something for decades but you LOVE your Foreign Nazi “gods”
    and do everything they say!

    1. So YOU do something. Stop telling everyone else to do what you could do. You’re the one screaming for it. YOU do it.

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