US Fertility Rate Falls To ALL TIME LOW

Fewer than 3.6 million babies were born in the US last year, the lowest amount since 1979

The birth rate in the US has declined to a new low, according to data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The figures show that fewer than 3.6 million babies were born in the US last year, the lowest amount since 1979 and equating to the lowest fertility rate EVER recorded.

The CDC analysed the 2023 data and found that the birth rate is down 2 percent on the previous year.

It had increased significantly in 2021, but this was primarily due to covid lockdowns and people having nothing better to do.

Now, however, the numbers have reset back to the downward trend seen every year before the pandemic.

“Last year, the difference was very small. This year, it’s something on the order of 74,000 (fewer births) or thereabouts. So it’s fairly large,” the CDC’s Brady Hamilton, one of the report’s authors stated.

The data shows that there were about 3.6 million babies born in the US in 2023, which translates to 54.4 live births for every 1,000 females ages 15 to 44.

The new figures mean there has been a total of 1,616.5 births per 1,000 women in the US, a total fertility rate of 1.6 children per woman.

The average fertility rate needed to maintain the population is 2.1 children for every woman.

It hasn’t been that high since 1971.

For context, in 1960 the US total fertility rate was 3.65 births per woman.

As we highlighted last month, a major study published in scientific journal The Lancet found that the global population will start to fall within decades due to vastly reduced fertility rates and may never recover.

The study found that the global fertility rate is currently 2.23, hovering only just above the replacement rate.

A fall in global population would mark the first time in seven centuries such an occurrence has taken place.

The last time it happened was after the Black Death bubonic plague pandemic killed as many as 50 million people in the mid-1300s, reducing the global population from 400 million to 350 million.

Commenting on the study, its co-author Dr Natalia Bhattacharjee said declining fertility rates “will completely reconfigure the global economy and the international balance of power and will necessitate reorganising societies”.

The findings are exactly what the likes of Elon Musk have been warning of for years, describing population decline as a ‘civilisational threat’ and urging that humanity is literally going to disappear if something is not done to reverse the trend.

The stark reality is that birth rates globally are collapsing and almost every country is on course to have shrinking populations by the end of the century. 

In countries like South Korea and Japan, there are twice as many people are dying as there are being born. You don’t have to be a mathematic genius to do the calculations on what’s going to happen very soon.

Despite this horrifying reality, it is now commonplace in modern culture for young people to genuinely believe they need to abandon their human instincts to reproduce, all for the greater good:

Young people are also being told that it is ‘far right’ to have babies:

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Comments 3
  1. Fewer babies? Imagine that! It is like some so-called men think they can get pregnant and breastfeed…

  2. The Foreign Nazis in Sweden have told this lie for ten years!
    Today, the 3rd World Feces piles the Foreign Nazis mass-imported
    are very near a majority!
    In 2025, the Swedes will become a MINORITY in their own country!
    Because they believed the Foreign Nazi LIE that “nobody is
    having babies”!
    “Nobody” was EXCEPT FOR the mass-imported piles of Feces!

  3. More lies from the Foreign Nazis!
    Coloreds are plopping out babies just like always!
    Only HUMANS (Whites) have stopped having babies because their Foreign Nazi “gods” told them to!

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