Alec Baldwin Lunges At Agitator Calling Him “Criminal,” Asking “Why Did You Kill That Lady?”

The woman was so obnoxious that everyone expressed support for Baldwin

A leftist “pro-Palestinian” agitator filmed herself harassing actor Alec Baldwin in a NYC coffee shop Monday, calling him a “criminal” and asking him “why did you kill that lady?” prompting Baldwin to slap the phone out of her hand.

The person relentlessly demanded that Baldwin say “Free Palestine” and ranted about “Zionism” at the actor while he was trying to get coffee, then accused Baldwin of attacking her.

The agitator is heard saying “Alec, can you please say Free Palestine one time?… Why did you kill that lady? You killed that lady and got no jailtime? No jailtime, Alec? No jailtime, Alec?… They’re putting innocent people in jail, Alec Baldwin…”

The woman is so annoying that she managed to make Alec Baldwin, an obsessive Trump hating leftist who did indeed accidentally shoot and kill someone on the set of his TV show, look like the good guy.

Baldwin asked her to leave the premises and demanded that the staff call the police.

The woman continued to berate Baldwin, stating “One time, Alec. You know he’s a criminal. Come on Alec just say Free Palestine one time. One time, just one time! Free Palestine. F*ck Israel. F*ck Zionism.”

The video ends with Baldwin losing his cool and slapping the shit out of the woman’s phone.

She posted the video with the caption “White devil Alec Baldwin attacked me While I was trying to get coffeee,” revealing that she is also a racist.

After posting the footage and receiving negative responses, the person, going by the handle ‘Crackhead Barney and Friends’, wrote “White devils are mad cuz they being held accountable.”

The original video has close to 5 million views now, meaning that the person will recoup the ad revenue if they have monetised their account.

Practically everyone who watched the video sympathised with Baldwin over the crackpot lunatic harassing him:

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Comments 5
  1. Coincidence? The Lady Who was Killed Was Involved with Releasing a New Documentry About—-Wait For It?-Child Traffiking-Was NO Accident!

  2. Why so many twitter reactions? This article was basically just what you saw on twitter one day. Honestly as well, why should I care about Alec Baldwin? Whether or not he bore any responsibility, his immediate response Halyna Hutchins’ death exposed him as a colossal narcissist – imagine how her family felt. If something really horrible happened to you and someone’s reaction was extremely indifferent and nonchalant, that could be traumatic. People like that should be harassed. What would you personally think if you weren’t just trying to go along with everyone else?

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