London Transgender Exhibition Displays Amputated Breasts

In jars

An exhibition in London that claims to celebrate ‘the cult of beauty’ is displaying the transgender curator’s amputated breasts in jars of formaldehyde.

Hold on, be patient now, don’t all rush at once, we’ll tell you where to get tickets shortly.

The Telegraph reports that the Wellcome Collection in London describes the exhibition’s contents as “beyond binaries of beautiful or ugly.”

A “transness” section of the exhibition contains trigger warnings informing visitors to expect “nudity, images of surgery and human tissue.”

The disembodied breasts belong to one E-J Scott who proclaims in a caption beneath the jar caption that “a cis gaze” on the removed glands will “inevitably try to piece a body and the person back together.”

True, everyone loves breasts, but attached to a woman is really the best way to view them.

It further suggests this is wrong because “body autonomy” includes “body modification in the radical pursuit of pleasure”.

If you want to satisfy a morbid curiosity and look at the chopped off boobs in more detail, click here. It’s quite underwhelming to be honest.

Scott, who is also the founder of a fake museum called the ‘Museum of Transology,’ further claims that merely displaying objects concerned with transgenderism proves its historical existence, and that of “transcestors.”

Spoiler: it really doesn’t. There was no one going around even 20 years ago lopping off their tits for “pleasure.”

The caption also states “We are securing our place in history, on our own terms, in our own words,” adding “We’re not only halting the erasure of transcestry, we’re literally saving ourselves.”

Again, there is no history of transgenderism. It simply is not real, no matter how many detached body parts you pickle and put on display.

Another section of the exhibition claims that “racialised whiteness” has historically defined beauty standards, asserting that “categorisations of racialised beauty have been a tool of colonial violence.”

Of course it has. White people made women want to look desirable, it’s always the white people that are to blame for the worst things including… women looking nice. What an awful thing.

This is yet another example of the perpetually discontented having a constant need to inject their bizarre narcissism into art, culture, history, and education in a desperately futile quest to mould human civilisation to their demented ideologies.

While the exhibition’s website states “We invite you to question established norms and reflect on more inclusive definitions of beauty,” women who actually visited the display noted that they left feeling like they’d just been told exactly what they should think.

In a discussion on parent’s forum Mumsnet, one woman wrote “I knew it would be about questioning historic Western ideals of beauty. Fair enough. What I didn’t expect was quite how unsubtly ideological it would be.”

The woman further noted, “The Wellcome Collection is a museum of science. At no point does the exhibition question the narratives underlying gender ideology, or mention that humans are a sexually dimorphic species. Nor does it really probe why the West and other cultures came up with the historic visions of beauty they did.”

She added that the display was dogmatic in drilling home the notion that “Salvation lies in queering the binaries,” adding “It felt like myth-making and propaganda.”

Another respondent noted “Yet again centring trans…They didn’t need to make the exhibition about the west, either – that just let them trot out the nonsense to justify centring “transition”. Incredibly colonialist, arguably, to focus on the[ir made-up version of the] West’s ideas of beauty & how to achieve it rather than taking a global view, particularly where there are stark contrasts to be made…”

Another woman wrote “I went to this before Christmas, not deliberately but because I remembered enjoying the science exhibits several years ago. Although I was somewhat unsurprised by the uncritical presentation of trans, non-binary etc. I was stunned by what was written on the plaques next to the displays throughout the whole exhibit. Where there should have been a description of the item or artwork with historical and cultural context, there were subjective, moralising statements that basically dictated to you what to think.”

Another respondent stated “It’s the anti Enlightenment. The knowledge and expertise has been sucked out of everything in favour of a warped fairytale narrative of Be True To Your Self and Follow Your Dream. They may as well hang a Live, Laugh, Love sign on the wall and be done with it.”

The original commenter said that she felt so disturbed after leaving the display that she immediately went to a proper museum exhibition, noting “Afterwards I went to the Leighton House Museum, home of the Victorian artist Frederick Leighton, in Holland Park. It’s full of decorative arts from around the world, including stunning Islamic tiles and allegorical oil paintings and drawings. It was everything the exhibition curators at the Wellcome would be appalled by. But it was wonderful.”

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Comments 3
  1. I see it as a bunch of losers taking themselves out of the gene pool. It’s pretty bad now, but in the future we’ll see a strengthening of the human genome overall.

  2. LMAO!!! For Some Reason these Morons Think It Invented Trangenderism?-Is That A Word?-The Asian/Indian Cultures Have More Men Living a Somewhat Productive Life as Prostitutes Looking More Like Women Then Women-For the Last 200 Years! Some Say They are Saving For Thee Operation But Most Are Happy Living Both Lives And Making $$-A Lifestyle!-Laughing At The Wanna Be’s Around The More Cultured U.S.S.A.!-Who Seem To Only Masquerade! Being How Thee Operation is Much Easier and in Demand in America-There Are Many Male Migrants Crossing The Border For Its Own Reasons!-Watch The Prostitution Business Increase In Sodom and Gomorah!!

  3. The Satanic Insanity of the Foreign Nazis is unbelievable!
    But Armageddon is coming soon and Satan’s Children will be going home to Hell!
    We’ll be free, again!

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