Trump: “Everything Biden Touches Turns To Shit”

What has he done that’s good? Nothing.

During a huge rally in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania Saturday night, Donald Trump blasted Joe Biden, reeling off a list of massive failures and urging that “everything he touches turns to shit.”

Trump was speaking while Iran, which just four years ago was crippled under Trump, but in the past three years has prospered after Biden eased sanctions, decided to launch a full on military attack on Israel.

“Before going any further, I want to say God bless the people of Israel,” Trump stated, adding “They’re under attack right now. That’s because we show great weakness.”

Trump urged that such an attack would never have happened under his watch.

“America prays for Israel,” he stated, adding “We send our absolute support to everyone in harm’s way. This is an attack that would not have happened. I mean, to think about what we have to go through and the things we put up with, with the border, with no energy independence.”

Trump vowed to “revive American strength abroad” and “rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world,” noting that inflation is now “close to four percent again.”

“First of all, Crooked Joe, he claimed inflation was transitory, remember that? Then he said, ‘oh, it’s temporary’, then he said, ‘it won’t happen, it really won’t happen’,” Trump asserted, adding “And then he said, ‘Well, it’s much higher than expected,’ and then the supply chain slows, and then the energy went through the roof.”

He continued, “All of America knows that the real blame for this nightmare lies with one person. Crooked Joe Biden,” adding “As crooked as you can get. That’s why the people of Pennsylvania are going to tell crooked Joe, ‘You’re fired get out! You’re fired!’”

“One of the leading drivers of Biden’s inflation disaster is his war on American energy, and Pennsylvania energy is a big problem,” Trump further iterated, prompting the crowd to break into chants of “Genocide Joe! Genocide Joe! Genocide Joe!”

“They’re not wrong,” Trump responded, adding “He’s done everything wrong. Think of it, we’ve been in this mess together for three and a half years. Only a little more than six months until that most important day in the history of our country, November 5th. Think of that. But, what has he done that’s good? Nothing. Has anything that he’s done turned out? Everything he touches turns to shit.”

Trump pointed out that since Biden took office “gasoline prices are up over 50 percent and electricity prices are up 39 percent, rising 13 times faster” than in the previous seven years.

“When I’m back in the White House, we will end Joe Biden’s inflation train wreck and we will tell Pennsylvania, drill, baby, drill,” Trump promised, adding “Under my leadership, we had energy independence, and soon we would have had energy dominance.”

The full speech is below:

IN the wake of Iran’s actions yesterday, many on X pointed out exactly how this is another example of Biden’s Midas in reverse touch:

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Comments 5
  1. That article is just too funny.

    The mass murderer, with his 10 billion dollar bioweapon clot shot, is saying everything the drooling pedophile touches is turned to shit?

    Let’s see how the trumpster succeeded. He did not lock her up. He did not build a wall. He left J6 supporters swinging in the breeze. He did false flags in Syria, the Vegas Massacre and the Covid clusterphuck. He did his level best to start wars with Iran, Syria, North Korea and Venezuela. He represents Israel but refuses to represent the US. He *routinely* says one thing and does another.

    If Trump (or Biden) is the solution, we are asking the wrong question.

  2. I know he will have his hands full dealing with Biden’s total disaster, but we need someone like Trump in the UK. Sadly, we are going to end up with Starmageddon.

  3. “Iran … decided to launch a full on military attack on Israel.”

    Uhhh, no, they hit unpopulated areas deliberately. When/if they decide to launch a “full on” attack, it will be much different.

    And is the author actually so ignorant that he doesn’t realize Israel started this latest confrontation by murdering Iranian personnel on Iranian soil (an embassy)? Before shooting his mouth off again, the author might want to get a clue first. Or not, if that’s his style.

    1. Honestly, I don’t think the attack was enough. Israel is a rogue, pariah state carrying out genocide and routinely carrying out sneak attacks on their neighbors. They are only this fubar because they have a blank check from Washington and the pentagon eagle perched on their shoulder.

      The world will not be safe until we can remove this foreign cult from power. Honestly I would not shed a single tear if they were nuked (neutron weapons).

    Finally, Trump says something funny!
    And TRUE!
    Biden is a worthless, mindless puppet
    for the Foreign Nazis to play with!
    Sawdust for brains and a personality
    like a two by four!

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