Black Activist Lawyer’s Idea to Stop Crime: Just Legalize Crime


During a recent appearance on MSNBC, a black activist lawyer suggested that crime in the United States could be completely eliminated if all crime was just legalized.

Yes, really.

The comments were made by Ben Crump, who specializes in civil rights cases and was the attorney for the families of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd.

“We can get rid of all the crime in America overnight, just like that,” Crump told his fellow guests, one of whom was civil rights activist Al Sharpton.

“And people ask ‘how attorney Crump?’ – change the definition of crime.”

“Of course!” responded another guest.

“If you get to define what conduct is gonna be made criminal, you can predict who the criminals are gonna be,” added Crump.

Another guest responded by saying that suggested all black people were criminals by their nature.

“They made the laws to criminalize our culture – black culture,” responded Crump.

Respondents on X asserted that Crump was essentially acknowledging someone he probably didn’t intend to.

Meanwhile, Scott Adams was unavailable for comment.

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Comments 17
  1. Opinions like this help to usher in the authoritarian police state the NWO craves. It’s by making things worse that change is enacted.

  2. Nice Try Malcolm But I Think I Have the PERFECT Solution!!-1 That Will Make Every Citizen Cheer And The Elite Criminals From Top To Bottom Cry and Stroke Each Other!-Simple-Lets Make EVERYTHING FREE!!!!!!!Do You Think I Could Become President Running On a Platform Like That????

  3. I say let it happen. In 30 days there will be no crime. Between us veterans and the (previously) cops, the criminals will all be at room temperature. Then we can reactivate the law.

    While he’s at it, empty out all the prisons. We can clean that up at the same time.

  4. Welcome to the world of frontier justice and vigilantism!
    No trials! No judges! No hearings! Just instant justice despensed
    with a bullet to the head for any reason. Stealing a 40 oz.? Dead.
    Stealing anything. Dead. Being uppity? Dead. Negroes will be bleeding
    out all over America. Be carful what you wish for, counselor.

  5. This moron is only going to get more of “his” kind killed or locked up in prison than already are, because




    He needs to be disbarred…and kicked in the face.


  6. As always, Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton, one of the biggest parasites in history (along with Jesse Jackson) is hanging with his fellow criminals/con artists.
    No surprise here.

  7. Sounds a bit like “The Purge”, only instead of just one night, it’s all year round. Though we’re already heading that way, as the police don’t enforce many laws (except those which can generate revenue for the government) anyway.

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