‘Aliens’ Caught on Camera in Miami

According to idiotic TikTokers.

A large group of “juveniles” rioting inside a shopping mall in Miami quickly turned into an alien invasion cover-up after TikTokers got hold of the story.

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Comments 70
  1. This can’t fucking be real.

    And I don’t even feel like explaining what I mean by that. I know you can’t tell. I know it’s impossible to tell what I mean. And if you understand what I mean by this, then I’m sure you understand what I mean by that. If you understand me.

  2. I’m spinning around, spinning around, funny how i don’t fucking feel like i’m spinning around.

    🤣 there are no words to describe the level of BS they can get their sheep to believe in.

  3. Please stop feeding the trolls. They’re not deranged, they’re not “flat earthers.” They are just trolls looking for reactions. Stop taking the bait and let them starve. Like any pest, once you remove their sustenance, they will disappear back into the cracks in the woodwork.

    1. Speaking of trolls, you must be one, how dare you call me a troll for having a different opinion, snowflake don’t melt.

        1. “Troll, Dumbass”

          Troll Dumbass, a very deep and complex reply for someone brainwashed into space ideology from birth.

          A very deep and compelling response, i am flabbergasted at this level of intellect, flabbergasted i say.

          I’m absolutely astonished.

    1. Conspiracy theory. a term invented by CIA to discredit people questioning JFK murder. Flat Earth. a conspiracy invented by CIA to discredit people questioning moon landing.

      Not even CIA imagined the huge numbers of simpletons believing it. even in dark ages people knew earth was a globe. they just tought it was the center of the universe. Magellan wanted to go to India around the earth

      1. Flat earth is not a conspiracy or psy-op.
        All the old religons speak of the earth as a flat disk, i trust these than nasa with a logo symbolic of a forked snakes tongue

        STFU about things you know nothing about, trying to be a smartass lol.

  4. Cucked slaves believing everything a little black box tells them, to make them feel part of the team, make them feel chained to the lie.

    I love studying how propaganda works.

    1. Propaganda as in a spinning fvcking ball that makes no sense whatsoever.

      They can get people to believe anything by formulating beliefs through flickering images on a screen.

      They have people believing in aliens and spaceships travelling billions of miles from a religon of space they created.


  5. Just as i predicted, the programmed sheep will attack the truth because they believe the controllers of the world would actually give a fuvck about telling them truth of what the earth is

    Fvcken spacers the lot of them. 🤣

    1. Yes, like the spacers here in the comments believing they are on the trajectory of a spinning fvcking ball hurling through space haha.

      They did not even see the common sense of the flat earth video posted, ALL OF IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES SENSE.

      Globe earthers only have mental gymnastics twisting themselves into poses to hide the truth.

    1. Cover your face to the truth and go into your safe space of a negroe like neil degrasse tyson filling your head with lies as someone who originated in africa the same as the africans roating cats on streets in italy.

      Enjoy your netflix ball earther in degrasse tyson the black propaganda artist.

      1. Don’t cry because you have been lied to, i know it is hard for you to accept your brain has been programmed to attack the truth.

        You poor man.

  6. The earth is a flat disc as described by all the ancient world mythologies, you can not travel to and land on moons and planets with spaceships.

    Space is not what you have been told.

    Don’t cry, don’t get mad, don’t lash out, that is what children do when they find out their parents lied to them about about santa claus.

    Feel free to call me a moron, tell me take my pills, call me crazy, but i am right and DGAF about sheep throwing a tantrum. 😎

    You’re all slaves of the machine and living in a truman show.

      1. Don’t cry because you have been lied to, i know it is hard for you to accept your brain has been programmed to attack the truth.

        You poor man.

      1. Don’t cry because you have been lied to, i know it is hard for you to accept your brain has been programmed to attack the truth.

        You poor man.

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