Video: Joyless Leftists KILL Santa With COVID To Push Masks & Vaccines

“Twas the night before Christmas. Santa took a deep breath. If only he’d known it would lead to his death.”

A morose leftist ‘activist’ group has produced a festive video in which Santa Claus catches COVID and dies on Christmas Eve.

Yes, really.

The piece, produced by The John Snow Project, which describes itself as “Reliable, honest information on COVID-19 from public health, clinical, and research experts,” is filmed in the form of a children’s book.

It reads “Twas the night before Christmas and Santa took a deep breath,” with the next page showing a large coffin surrounded by sad elves and distraught children.

The creepy voice over states “Twas the night before Christmas. Santa took a deep breath. If only he’d known it would lead to his death. Santa always listened when the famous doctors spoke. Too bad they didn’t mention that the virus spreads like smoke.”

The video then pushes pushing “respirators (masks), clean indoor air, the latest vaccines, and regular testing,” and instructs “Don’t let COVID ruin Christmas.”

Didn’t intend to, but you seem to be doing a fine fucking job of it.


Comments are turned off on the YouTube video, and on X comments are restricted only to accounts mentioned by the organisation. Wonder why that is?

This latest miserable modern trend seems to be usurping, attacking, destroying or even killing Christmas in this case.

They’ve ruined practically everything else, so why not go after what little joy is left in the world.

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Comments 11
  1. Hey! Lefty Loonies! Santa is *immortal.* IM-MOR-TAL! Despite what some movies portray, _he CAN’T die._ Not even if he wants to. Get with the program and do your research before you go off the rails (as usual). But what can you expect? Lie about COVID, lie about Santa. A liar is a liar no matter how they jingle their bells.

  2. Never trust organizations that turn off their social media comments/replies. They always push disinformation and malicious propaganda.

    1. “Media” outlets that turn off their comments most often have no good argument for their actions. They just want to be able to spew their hateful rhetoric with no opposition.
      This Christmas, let’s teach our youngsters of who Saint Nicholas is. Forget consumerist Santa, let’s celebrate the real meaning of Christmas with the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

      1. I agree, however, you can do both. Many do. And many celebrate the Santa and gift giving thing who aren’t Christians, which is fine with me. Besides, even if you did away with the whole Santa thing, people would come up with something to replace it and you would just be back in the same place eventually. That’s human nature. Might as well deal with things as they are now. Just leave it an individual choice and do what each feels is best, or at least okay, for them and theirs. God will sort it (and us) all out in the end.

        1. Why is it that only Christian Holy Days (holidays) are abused and used as corporate and consumerist watering down?
          It because the globalists hate Christians!

          1. They are changing christianity into a tranny religon now, that is why Francis hangs with the trans now, he was getting bored of hanging with homo priests.

      2. Who is OUR?

        Your lord is a fictitious semetic jew.

        No fictitious semetic jew character is my my lord. Feel free to worship a cucked and weak archetype in jesus though.

        The real meaning of christmas is just simply a repackaging of the winter solstice celebreations to suit christian converts wanting to feel a sense of belonging in the new cult so as to not rebel against their new masters, the catholic church.

        I am not the grinch btw, i put up my decorated tree too, because my ancestors worshipped the days starting to get longer, that is what christmas is based on, the winter solstice which is an entirely pre-christian tradition.

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