She Left It Too Late

Fell for the anti-natalist psy-op.

A 38-year-old woman broke down in tears after realizing she’d been brainwashed all her life about not wanting kids and that now it’s probably too late.

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Comments 11
  1. I’m in the same position as her, but luckily never felt totally maternal which was probably subcconsciously programmed via cartoons & sitcoms, MTV etc etc. It was also the lack of mature men with same pop culture refs, in my twenties, which I found off-putting so looked to my own spiritual education, higher education and pursuing my interests, thinking I’d meet someone I had chemistry with along the way which hasn’t really happened yet. Sadly but not regrettably, two abortions in life, one at 25 and one at 30 with two guys who seemed like they had their shit together but were I believe covert narcissists (I realise my spiritual lesson on repeat is to realise my own worth and all issues stem from emotional and mental health). Due to my teen and twenties’ low self-esteem, a fucked up emotional childhood full of derogatory comments, hate of emotional expression, poor guidance, oppression, apathy, body dysmorphia (via being bombarded with demented female pop culture references and a well-meaning & loving yet weak mother template stemming from her own overbearing and harsh male parent; due to his war experience and later societal trauma) … all in all , we should point our fingers towards the Global Elite made-up of those now overwhelmingly apparent secret societies that have infiltrated Govs, Corps, NGOs, militaries and unelected think-tanks world-wide, because they’re coming for us all, people. Check out the book by Milton William Cooper “Behold a Pale Horse” as all he wrote about back then is coming to pass … Also the book 1984. All under the guise of the Climate change fakery, the “UN Sustainabillity (aka neo- communist) Goals 2030”, transhumanism op, transgender op, corporate A.I etc etc etc. Depopulation is their goal and dividing humanity their method. We’ve ALL been had on all levels since birth (the MK Ultra psy-op never really went away). So, compassion for all beings because this beautiful world and humanity has been hijacked for about 300 years by generational self-imposed elites such as Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Gates’, Murdochs, Clintons, The Vatican’s Holy See, Jesuits, Zionists etc. etc. etc Do your homework.We need to be more conscious of how we are constantly manipulated.

  2. I see women as nothing other than sexual objects TBH, get the fuck out of politics, shut the fuck up about philosophy and history, don’t try to use your pussy to control and manipulate me and just behave and you will get my respect.

    Yeah call me a sexist pig, water off a ducks back.

    Sure a lot of women have other talents, like art, crafts etc, singers, that is stuff they are naturally good at. GTFO out of politics and fuck feminism is what i think of modern women. Get in the kitchen in your knickers and make me my dinner.

    Lets be honest, we men don’t see women as being useful for anything other than being a vassal to raise our offspring, we want to shag women and not be really interested in their hobbies. By complimenting them, we only want to shag them, most of us are like that.

    As for politics, a pussy is their weakness, just the way nature designed women.

    Women are not stern, that is why women in politics in europe have opened the floodgates to the third world, they want masculine aggressive men to rule them because whites have become CUCKED in their own lands.

    I despise islam, but they have it 100% right about what the role of a wife should be, they also have polygamy, muslims are more like our pagan ancestors in the role they have for women.

    A lot of viking men had multiple wives and was a deeply patriarchial society.

    We whites need to grow out our fucking beards and become more masculine.

    Look around us, countless poor bastards have become the pussy in the relationships with women that are wearing the strap-on, from carrying their stupid little chichuahua around, having wallets drained for pointless shit like makeup and shoes and generally not producing enough offspring and investing in a traditional family environment and not letting the state brainwash them.

    We must recognise that modern women are designed to be demanding sluts and we must proceed with caution in choosing the right one.

  3. No one brainwashed you. You were a selfish idiot who thought she could gain fulfillment from work. Guess what, everyone…unless you are Isaac Newton, your dumb job isn’t very important. You are immediately replaceable, and no one will remember you even worked there in 2 years. Work should never be your life unless you are the handful of people who’s toil actually matters in some grand way. Your job, like everyone else in history, is to breed well, raise superior children, and hopefully one of those kids is actually important. Work is literally just the way you pay for those children. Toiling is important. Being good at your job is important, but nothing but your offspring REALLY matter.

    1. We need to get away from using dumb blonde jokes.

      Dumb blonde sounds like something invented by people who hate whites.

      1. I hear what your saying but tbh, that sounds like restricting free speech and pandering to will of the left and I simply wont do that. We could always take the piss out ourselves, dont plan on stopping now.

        1. Oh feel free to speak your mind,

          I am 100% free speech and i fucking hate censorship, to me though i just think the dumb blonde jokes and the red hair jokes are anti white, not that i mean you’re anti-white, just that such jokes are culturally anti white imo, we’re all prone to be anti white sometimes even when we don’t mean to be.

    1. At some point we have to take responsibility for our own decisions and stop blaming others. The world is ALWAYS trying to manipulate our minds.

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