Just 29 of 142 NHS Hospitals Refer to Pregnancy as Exclusively Biological Female Issue

Others use terms like “birthing people” or “pregnant people.”

A Freedom of Information Act request has revealed that just 29 of the 124 NHS hospitals in England with maternity units still exclusively use the words “woman” or “mother” to refer to pregnancy, while all the others include terms such as “birthing people” or “pregnant people.”

The FOIA request, filed by the Daily Mail, also found that 15 out of that remaining 29 are considering changing their language to pander to woke transgender lobbyists.

That would leave just 14 maternity units in the entire country that still refer to pregnancy by solely referring to biological women.

Despite refusing to acknowledge whether or not a single one of their patients has identified as anything other than a woman, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals told the newspaper that they use the phrase “women and birthing people” in order to be as “inclusive and representative as possible.”

Liverpool Women’s Hospital admitted that it has never recorded a single transgender patient using their maternity services, but went ahead and gave its language a woke makeover anyway.

Meanwhile, hospitals in Southampton are tactically avoiding the word “woman” entirely by describing the process in the second person as “you” and “your pregnancy.”

The NHS, celebrated by the left as some kind of religious institution, is virtually beyond criticism in the UK despite the fact that it is notoriously unfit for purpose.

As we highlighted back in June, the NHS caused controversy by erasing all references to women from an online advice section about the menopause, an exclusively female condition.

During the same month, which by no coincidence was also ‘Pride Month’, the NHS website altered its guidance pages on ovarian cancer, removing instances of the word “women” in a move that sources said was intended to be more “inclusive” toward trans, non-binary and intersex people.

NHS hospitals have started asking clearly male patients if they are pregnant before procedures in order to pander to woke language policing, while the term “breastfeeding” has been changed to “chestfeeding” in some instances.

And all this is funded by the taxpayer!

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