Watch: Even Joe Scarborough Now Admits Biden Is Toast

Just weeks after claiming he’s sharper than ever

As we’ve highlighted throughout the day, Biden crashed and burned hard in the debate last night and even his staunchest media mouthpieces had to admit it.

CNN couldn’t even rig it to save Biden.

He can’t form sentences or steps.

But the icing on the cake has to be this reaction from MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.

Just days ago, Scarborough was calling Biden’s ailing mental fitness a conspiracy theory, and slamming video after video of his decline as ‘cheap fakes’.

But now not even Scarborough can keep up the charade.

Watching him eat crow is utterly glorious.

Has there ever been a bigger pivot than this?

Funnier still is that his wife Mika Brzezinski  still refuses to accept Biden is done and they had a full on marital tiff live on air about it.

Absolutely hilarious.

We can’t wait for the next debate.

Don’t think the Democrats can either. 😉

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Comments 5
  1. I love how they were “shocked” by Biden’s performance. How do you say “I live in a bubble of alternate reality”, without saying “I live in a bubble of alternate reality”?

  2. Thinking and free people despise these meaningless clowns. The so called “main stream media” is an existential enemy of the truth and of freedom. These are the propaganda organs of the anti-American, Marxist state in collusion with similar sociopathic forces in the WEF/Davos orbit.

  3. The Foreign Nazis have almost totally destroyed
    their most hated enemy, USA!
    Now remains only the elimination of Trump!
    And war against their other enemy, Russia!

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