Biden Odds Of Re-election Plummet By FIFTEEN Points After Disastrous Debate

Newsom’s odds DOUBLE

Joe Biden’s odds of being re-elected have nosedived by a full fifteen points in the wake of a shockingly bad debate performance according to data from political betting markets. 

As we highlighted earlier, Biden couldn’t form a coherent thought and looked and sounded extremely feeble, with Donald Trump almost looking like he felt sorry for him on the stage.

Every single pundit admitted Biden was awful with post debate discussions centring on Biden having to step down and be replaced by the Democrats.

The New York Post reports that betting website shows that Biden was at 48 cents per share, the equivalent of a 48 percent chance of victory, prior to the debate and now stands at only 33 cents per share.

Meanwhile, Trump’s stock peaked at 61 cents per share before settling at 58 cents, a jump of five percent.

Some have Biden’s odds even lower, at closer to 20 percent:

Meanwhile, Gavin Newsom’s odds have doubled.

The Democratic governor has jumped up from an 8/100 price to be the party’s nominee to 27/100. His chance to win the presidency jumped from 5/100 to 19/100.

Newsom was practically the only person in the country to claim Biden did well in the debate.

He also quickly rubbished suggestions that he should replace Biden as the nominee.

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Comments 5
  1. There are still some insisting it will be Michelle Obama. I really don’t think she’s interested at all.

  2. Watched a brief few minutes at start of this farce because it was in an article.trump could barely contain his urges to start shrieking about how great he is. His.lies are so numerous he actually believes them.neither offering by the wealthy elites is competent .age limits for the figurehead job are needed.feeble old men are not a good look to represent a country.

  3. I guess Newsom wants to stay on a sinking ship. They should do odds on assassination attempt on Trump. Men in black look very nervous when Trump got off the plane.

    “We’re coming for ya Langley”

  4. Heard a rumor that the Foreign Nazis are gonna replace Joey Diapers with a pumpkin!
    At least the pumpkin won’t need diapers! 😀

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