Joy Reid Declares It “Deeply Offensive” That Trump Can Stand Next To Biden At Debate

“Are you as offended as I am?”

Ahead of tonight’s presidential debate, MSNBC’s resident crackpot extreme leftist Joy Reid has declared that it is “deeply offensive” that Donald Trump should be allowed to stand near Joe Biden.

During an interview with… some other leftist talking heads, Reid asked “are you as offended as I am about the fact that it’s possible for this person, who is a felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter, to stand next to the actual president and we’re supposed to take him seriously?”

“There’s something deeply offensive about that,” she repeated.


Not a very democratic attitude that, Joy.

Perhaps voters find it more “offensive” when Biden media mouthpieces suggest Trump shouldn’t even be allowed to speak to them?

As it is, CNN is going to do its best to keep him silenced with its incredible hi tech on/off microphone button, which the network went to great lengths to demonstrate earlier:

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Comments 7
  1. No Joy, I don’t find that offensive, but do find myself wondering why you are allowed to say Pres. Trump’s name without first apologizing or obtaining his permission.

  2. I Find It Extremely Offensive That this Imbecile Has A Mouth and a Platform on Fabricated Media That Spews Lies And Bullshit And Actually Has The Mentality of an Ant To Think ANYBODY Cares??-These Morons Will Soon Be Out Of a Job!-Needs To Clue In to Reality!-Has Probably Broken Every Mirror In its House And Thinks About Ending It ALL On a Daily Basis!-Hurry Up Fool!

  3. She’s right. I think that Trump will indeed find it offensive standing next to Biden given his habit of shitting his pants all the time.
    Ain’t enough deodorant for that.

  4. hmmmm….Starting to sound a lot like that little dude with a funny mustache in the 30’s Europe.

  5. I am deeply offended they give a commie such a visible podium, but am slightly mollified by the fact that absolutely no one is watching her.

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