German Politician Hit With Hate Crime Investigation For Demanding Migrant Criminals be Deported

CDU lawmaker reacted to mass stabbing attack by Afghan refugee.

A CDU politician in Germany is under investigation for hate crimes after he reacted to a knife attack by an Afghan migrant by calling for the expulsion of foreign criminals from the country.

On the opening day of the Euro 2024 football tournament, a knife-wielding Afghan migrant went on a stabbing spree in Wolmirstedt which left one person dead and multiple others injured.

Detlef Gürth, a state lawmaker for the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Saxony-Anhalt, reacted by posting on X, “This pack has to get out of Germany.”

And that was literally it. That’s all he said before subsequently deleting the tweet.

However, it was enough for left-wing state politician Henriette Quade to file a criminal complaint against Gürth for allegedly committing a hate crime, which is now being investigated by the Halle public prosecutor’s office

“The description of Afghans as a ‘pack’ who are denied the right to live in Germany is an insult to parts of the population,” Quade ludicrously claimed.

“Those designated in this way are denied their basic right to life as equal individuals in the community and their human dignity is thus attacked. Furthermore, the post cannot be interpreted with any understanding other than that all Afghans living in the country are (potential) murderers. The post also incites hatred against parts of the population,” she added.

Gürth was clearly referring to migrants who engage in violence, not all Afghans, but his relatively tame comment was reported to authorities anyway in another stunning example of how many in the German political establishment are more concerned about not hurting the feelings of migrants than they are stopping the wave of migrant-driven violence that has plagued the country for years.

Statistics released by the German government revealed that around 6 in 10 violent crimes recorded in Germany are committed by migrants.

“According to some criminal statistics, Afghans are five times more likely to commit a criminal act than native Germans,” reports Remix News.

“However, in some categories, such as sexual assaults, they are 12.5 times more likely to commit an offense than the rest of society. However, this is only a fraction of the problem that Germany has been forced to endure with regard to migrant crimes, many of which are committed by repeat offenders.”

As we document in the video below, German authorities are now handing out prison time to people who insulted a bunch of convicted gang rapists, in at least one case giving a woman more prison time than almost all of the gang rapists themselves.

Yesterday we highlighted another case of migrant violence where a 20-year-old man in the North Rhine-Westphalia town of Bad Oeynhausen was beaten into a coma by a migrant gang and later died from his injuries.

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Comments 2
  1. KEY WORD!-CRIMINALS!!! ALL the Highly Paid Low I.Q. Morons In Government NEED To Get Behind This Guy!!-Lots Of Great Deserving Hard Working Desperate People Should Be Welcomed And Appreciated!!-Just For The Journey Alone!-Unfortunately A Large Cartel Of Scum Have Taken Advantage Of The Idiocy Of Opening Borders With Lax Vetting Of MANY Criminals And Like An Invented Disease-Has Infiltrated And Spread Across The Modern Safe/Law Enforced? Parts Of The Planet!!-Enhancing The Financial Pockets Of Millionaire Scum Who Care Nothing About Human Citizens And Will Swim In Blood For The Almighty American Monopoly $$$!!-DEPORT THE CRIMINALS AND THE CRIMINALS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OUT OF CONTROL DISEASE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!-Amen!

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