Trump Campaign: Why Does Biden Need To Hide For A Whole Week Before Debate?

“It really is quite concerning if that’s the leader of our country”

The Trump campaign wants to know why Joe Biden needs an entire week to prepare for a 90 minute debate, and exactly who is running the country in the meantime.

The campaign’s X account highlighted a Hannity segment that noted Biden has been hidden away for five days and counting, and is apparently unable to perform the duties required to run the country.

Campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt also told Jesse Watters on Tuesday that “One of the most underreported stories this week is the fact that the leader of the free world, Joe Biden, has to prep for a debate for a whole week.”

“He can’t govern and do both?” Leavitt further posited.

“Not one public schedule. It really is quite concerning if that’s the leader of our country,” she urged.

The Trump campaign suggested that Biden will be “probably be filled with Adderall” on Thursday, with senior adviser Jason Miller noting “We know that when it comes to the big events, when it comes to debates, when it comes to State of the Union, things of that nature, that they’re going to have Joe Biden completely super-soldiered up. He is going to be ready to go.”

Biden’s team hinted at this already:

Trump said last week that he expects Biden to get “a shot in the ass,”and called for a drug test prior to the debate.

Biden’s preparation has involved practicing standing up for more than five minutes at a time.

Leavitt has pointed out that with CNN hosting the debate, Trump will be facing up to more than just Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, a new Rasmussen report finds that Trump has received a five percent boost in the wake of the rigged ‘hush money’ trial and is now a whopping 10 points ahead of Biden.

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Comments 5
  1. Very Possibly Training The Best Stand In Actor It Can Find From The U.K.!0We Have Seen The Stand in Before-Gotta Get That Voice Just Right!

  2. CNN writes the questions a Biden rehearses answering the questions at home with a team of debate specialists, psychologists, pharmacologists, medical doctors and specialised medical monitoring equipment. His basement must look like a surgery inside a recording studio.

  3. “apparently unable to perform the duties required to run the country”

    Like he was ever able t perform them.

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