Trump Campaign Blasts CNN Debate Moderator’s “History Of Anti-Trump Lies”

Trump has more than Biden to contend with at Thursday’s debate

The Trump campaign responded Monday to CNN cutting off an interview with his national press secretary Karoline Leavitt after she began pointing out that upcoming debate moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have a history of spreading lies about Trump.

“CNN cutting off my microphone for bringing up a debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies just proves our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly in Thursday’s debate,” Leavitt noted on X.

She continued, “President Trump is still willing to go into this 3-1 fight to bring his winning message to the American people, and he will win.”

Here is the incident Leavitt was referring to:

She later gave her thoughts about it on Hannity:

CNN host Kasie Hunt defended Tapper and Dana Bash, claiming they “have acquitted themselves as professionals as they have covered campaigns and interviewed candidates from all sides of the aisle.”

Leavitt wasn’t able to cite the numerous examples of the moderators’ bias, so others took up the mantle.

If Trump comes out of this debate on top, it will be some feat, given that he actually has 3 opponents if you can count Biden.

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Comments 7
  1. Kassie looks like the fat cheerleader that smells like a tuna boat. Anyways, the whole crew there has so many sex pervert scandals it’s hard to figure why they aren’t all locked up for pedo/lewd conduct.

  2. Even tho CNN is garbage, I dunno why anyone would resort to lying about this swamp critter when the field of proven Trump lies and BS is so huge. If they really want to plant the flag on this criminal, start with facts:

    1) Trump is ok with the Israelis mass murdering civilians. Trump was the point man for the clot shot which killed and injured uncounted Americans. Trump murdered an Iranian General in cold blood. Premeditated murder. Trump is a goddamn psychopath. Completely devoid of conscience.

    2) Trumps false flags: Syria, the Vegas massacre, the covid clusterphuck.

    3) Trump left his J6 supporters swinging in the breeze.

    4) Trump acted as an unregistered agent for a foreign cult regime and gave them massive control of the levers of US power. This is flat out treason.

    I could write for another hour and still not touch the bottom of this rot.

    1. I’ve seen your upvote to downvote ratio. All you do is troll, and poorly. Go bang your biden blow up doll, stupid buttclown.

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