Biden’s Latest DEI Hire Deletes Past Anti-White And Anti-Police Tweets

He looks like Mr Slave from South Park

In the latest clownworld development, the Biden Administration hired a man in a dress to be its new Associate Communications Director and it quickly emerged that the guy had a history of spicy tweets hating on white people, comparing police officers to ‘slave patrols’ and ‘lynch mobs’, and calling for ICE to be abolished.

Here is who they hired. Tyler Cherry (left).

He looks like Mr Slave from South Park.

Or Weird Al Yankovic if you prefer:

He has a degree in gender studies. Of course he does.

He used to work for Media Matters. Of course he did.

He also thinks there are too many white people.

When people started to point all this out, Cherry apologised, and then started deleting all the old tweets.

He deleted every tweet with the word ‘white’ in it:

And restricted who can reply or comment:

There is no word yet on whether this guy likes to steal luggage or not.

Who is really running the country?

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Comments 5
  1. When god wants to punish somebody, a country.. it takes their minds… US turned to satan.. now, all americans are insane..

  2. Why do they always try to delete the evidence? Just admit the comments were their opinions on those topics at the time, and in hindsight and with more knowledge, they stand by them or they no longer reflection who they are or their thinking today.

  3. Well, Joe is wanting accurate representation of his administration, and since his is the most degenerate administration in history………

  4. Satan laughs!
    “israel” celebrates!
    White Christian Civilisation is dead and gone!

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