Biden Is Rehearsing Being Able To Stand Up Ahead Of Debate

Will he make it for 90 minutes?

Joe Biden has been taken to Camp David to prepare for next week’s debate against Donald Trump, with one report noting that Biden is rehearsing being able to stand up.

That’s how crazy this has gotten. Biden has to prepare to be able to stand up for more than a few minutes at a time.

It’s definitely going to be a challenge for him.

Envisage the opposite of Rocky running up the steps to Gonna Fly Now and you get an idea.

According to the host network CNN, the debate will run for approximately 90 minutes with two commercial breaks.

It was previously reported that Biden’s campaign had asked for the candidates to be seated at tables for the debate, but seems that is not happening now.

Trump told the hosts of the Cats & Cosby Show last month “I hear now we’re sitting at tables. I don’t want to sit at a table.”

“I said, ‘No, let’s stand.’ But they want to sit at a table,” Trump further remarked, adding “So we’ll be sitting at a table as opposed to doing it the way you should be, in my opinion, in a debate.”

ABC News also reports that Biden is rehearsing “punchier” one liners to throw at Trump such as “Remember when he was trying to deal with COVID, he said just inject a little bleach in your veins. He missed it. It all went to his hair.”

Right, it’s going down like that is it. It’s the TikTok clip debate.

Reuters reports that unlike Biden, Trump is not preparing with any “mock debates.”

He’ll do it on the night.

Trump spokesman Brian Hughes commented “Biden needs rehearsals with handlers to find some way to explain this mess he’s made of our nation.”

“President Trump is always prepared to present to Americans his record of success and Biden’s weakness and failures,” Hughes added.

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Comments 6
  1. President Biden has incipient dementia. He is not fit even now to be the President of the United States and he should not seek another 4 year term.

  2. LMAO!! Can’t Wait For This New Episode Of Laurel And Hardy!!-Or Will It Be Abbot And Costello?-Rodney Dangerfield VS George Carlin??-You Can Bet $$ The Fabricated Bullshit Propaganda Machine Is Going To Have Lots of Footage To Edit and Splice Trying To Control The Morons and The Sane Across The World!!-Could Be The Beginning Of a Netflix/Asylum Series?

  3. The question is can he control his bladder and sphincter for 90 whole minutes!
    I’d love to see him fill his diaper with doo doo while trying to debate the economy! 😁

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