Trump Blasts Media, Biden Camp As “Shameless Liars” For Claiming Videos Are Fake

“All they can do is lie”

In a speech in Wisconsin Tuesday, Donald Trump called out the Biden campaign and its media mouthpieces as “shameless liars” for suggesting that footage of him wandering around looking lost at the G7 summit and having to be led off a stage by Obama at a fundraiser were somehow faked.

“They have a candidate that has no clue, doesn’t know where he is, and all they can do is lie. Joe Biden is humiliating our country on the world stage” Trump told the crowd, adding “they say the videos of crooked Joe shuffling around are clean fakes,” referring to the recent footage.

Further speaking about Biden’s odd behaviour, Trump asserted “At the G7 in Europe, he had to be rescued by other world leaders, they had to pull him back, then he bizarrely put his face on the Pope’s forehead. What was that all about? That was weird.”

“Did you see the Pope? The Pope is like, ‘What’s happening?’ The Pope didn’t really know what was happening. He said this is strange,” Trump hilariously continued.

Describing Biden’s incident with Obama, Trump stated “Barack Hussein Obama had to grab his hand and lead him off the stage as though he were a child. I have to tell you, Obama could have handled that different, you know, definitely. He could have done it a little bit softer. He could have done it like, ‘let’s go, let’s go.’ He did have to grab him and pull up off the stage. But yeah, but he looked good, and I guess that was his primary purpose.”

Biden is “blaming it now on AI,” Trump said, quipping “he doesn’t know what AI is, but that’s okay.”

Trump pointed out that the media has amplified Biden campaign talking points that the videos are “cheap fakes” or misleadingly edited, noting “With me, they take a good speech and they make it look as bad as possible. With him, they take the worst speech you’ve ever heard, and they try and make him look like semi-normal.”

Trump continued, “They’re the Russia Russia, Russia people, the laptop from hell people, the 51 intelligence agent people. They’re the people that said all sorts of lies about military, about our great military. They’d make up stories about our military. It’s disgraceful what they can do, and they’re so destructive to our country.”

Trump’s point was further proven by this pair of clowns:

As we noted earlier, in reality it is Biden’s campaign and the leftist media that are putting out deceptively edited footage and images about Trump.

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Comments 5
  1. Its Not Called The Fabricated BullShit Propaganda Machine For Nothing!!-Lies And Hypocrisy For $$!!-Just Like a Cheap Prostitute!-Will Be Extinct In the Near Future!!

  2. I realize that the Trump campaign wants to shoot back at the insipid “cheap fake” claims from that nose-in-her-notebook vacant moron KJP. However, everyone with just a scintilla of intelligence knows, full well, that Biden is utterly brain dead. They have seen it and heard it from multiple sources over many years.
    To wit: “……….reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.” When reality doesn’t conform to the Party’s interests, the Party revises reality to achieve its own ends. —– George Orwell from “1984”

    1. Did these same two people EVER apologize for pushing the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax for 3 years? Probably not! The fact is, they HAVE NO IDEA of what is fact or fiction; they just open thir mouths and spout the PARTY LINE!

  3. Come on, man! he didn’t freeze. Everybody is moving around Joe too quickly. No joke.
    In Italy, yes he walked off but he did give the other guys a thumbs up. He couldn’t even clap his hands for the parachuter though.
    You know what he hasn’t done? Returned to the medical center at his beach house since before the G7 trip. He likely has Formal Thought Disorder from his old brain drain too.

  4. So Trump doctored a video that one of the leftist media block corporations then ran? That’s some seriously cringe level of copium.

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