Fauci Claims Effort To Hold Him Accountable “Undermines Our Social Order”

Maddow declares him to be a “model of humility”

During a softball interview with MSNBC uber leftist Rachel Maddow in an attempt to hawk a book he is selling, Anthony Fauci claimed that efforts by Republicans in the House to hold him accountable for actions taken during the pandemic equate to an attempt to “undermine our social order.”

In comments much like when he declared himself to be representative of science, Fauci described the recent Congressional hearing he was forced to attend as “complete vitriol and ad hominem.”

“I think that will undermine our social order and undermine the fabric of our democracy,” he added.

He further claimed that the only thing Republican in Congress care about is “tearing people down.”

A fawning Maddow, who previously declared on air without a shred of evidence that COVID vaccine prevent the spread of the virus, told Fauci “I feel like I have been counting on you a lot of my life to explain things.”

“I feel like one of the things that I’m sort of counting on you for now is bearing a lot of slings and arrows that you don’t deserve,” she continued.

She basically admitted she was carrying water for Fauci, noting “I wanted to give you a chance. I set up this interview with some strong words about the way that you have been targeted.”

Maddow went on to describe Fauci as a “model of humility, itself a sort of model of how to be a responsible public servant.”


The guy literally oversaw funding for research that led to a global pandemic then tried to cover it up.

As we previously highlighted, Fauci was taken to task during the hearing by the likes of Marjorie Taylor Green who told Fauci to his face that he is “abhorrent” and “evil” and should be thrown in prison for what he has done.

During the hearing, Fauci complained about the harassment he has received in the fallout of the pandemic.

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Comments 4
  1. Killing Thousands Of People and Torturing Dogs/Cats/Monkeys In The Name Of Science By a POS That Knows How To Lie And Conn 100’s Of Thousands Of $$ From Government Imbeciles and Knows Nothing About Science It Can’t Invent-We Know Its a Puppet But Even Criminal Puppets WILL BE Held ACCOUNTABLE!!-This Scum Deserves The Death Penalty!! Incarceration In an Experimental Mental Institute-While Waiting its Gallows Appointment Would Be a Bonus!!-It Needs Its Head Examined!!

  2. Yeah, I bet a leftist would call another leftist with a candle vigil stand right under a big iconic picture of himself, humble.

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