CNN Host Gleeful That Trump Advisor Will Go To Prison With “Violent Criminals And Sex Offenders”

“Trump ally will not get a cushy prison assignment”

CNN host Erin Burnett appeared happy that former Trump advisor Steve Bannon is to serve a sentence in a prison “with violent criminals and sex offenders.”

Burnett announced that according to CNN sources, Bannon will report to a low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut in July.

The longtime Trump confident was given a four month prison sentence for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the January 6 committee.

“Steve Bannon denied his request for the so-called club fed when he’s forced to report to prison,” a clearly overjoyed Burnett said.

She added “Sources telling CNN that the longtime Trump ally will not get a cushy prison assignment, but is likely to serve time in a Connecticut prison, where he could be placed with violent criminals and sex offenders, a prison that does not have individual cells but rather an open pod layout for inmates.”

“And CNN is learning tonight that there’s also a chance Bannon could be sent to New York City’s infamous Rikers Island,” she further gleefully asserted.


Bannon has apparently been denied a sentence in a minimum security prison with nonviolent offenders owing to a pending criminal case in New York in which he is accused of defrauding donors in a border wall fundraising campaign.

Bannon warned last week that leftists are going to sentence Trump to “multiple years in prison.”

“They don’t care about this election, they don’t care how many votes we get. They’re gonna fight us every step of the way,” Bannon further proclaimed.

He added, “Winning in November is just the first step. From November fifth to the sixth, Jamie Raskin is going to try to steal the election on January 6th. They’re already talking about it right now.”

“They’re already going to say, ‘President Trump’s an insurrectionist and we will never certify an election of an insurrectionist,” Bannon further predicted.

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Comments 3
  1. Yet another lying, stupid woman who’s forgotten her place.

    Honey, shut your yap and go make a man a sandwich.

  2. They just can’t help themselves when it comes to being evil. That’s why you can never trust or even aid a commie, The Scorpion and the Frog.

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