Watch: CNN Data Reporter “Speechless” At “Historic” Loss Of Black Support For Biden

“We’re careening towards a historic performance for a Republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in six decades”

CNN data reporter Harry Enten expressed shock at just how much support Joe Biden has lost among Black voters, admitting that Donald Trump’s polling numbers are “historic.”

Enten detailed how Trump is on course to win around 20 percent of Black voters, around DOUBLE what Republican candidates usually achieve. In the demographic of Black voters under 50, Biden’s support has halved in just four years.

“I keep looking for this to change, to go back to a historical norm, and it, simply put, has not yet,” Enten declared.

“In 2020, Joe Biden was getting 86 percent of the African American vote. Look at where it is now. It’s 70 percent, that’s a 16-point drop,” Enten explained, adding “And more than that, it’s not just that Joe Biden is losing ground. It’s that Donald Trump is gaining ground…from 7 percent, single-digits at this point in 2020, to now 21 percent.”

“We’re careening towards a historic performance for a Republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in six decades,” the exasperated reporter proclaimed.

Enten continued, “Look at black voters under the age of 50. Holy cow, folks, holy cow. Look at this. Joe Biden was up by 80 points among this group back at this point in 2020, look at where that margin has careened down towards. It’s now just, get this, 37 points. That lead has dropped by more than half.“

Enten further noted that Black voters are “leaving in droves” to join the Trump train.

“I’ve just never seen anything like this. I’m like speechless because you always look at history and you go, ‘Okay, this is a historic moment.’ If this polling is anywhere near correct, we’re looking at a historic moment right now,” the reporter emphasised.

It’s not just Black voters either. Biden is haemorrhaging support among young people in general.

Is it really any wonder though? He’s 81, can barely speak and acts like a dementia patient. Worse still, the White House is pathetically trying to cover it up by suggesting the daily videos of Biden doddering around and having to be led about by the hand are somehow fake.

Practically the only base of support Biden has left at this point is that of overpaid out of touch Hollywood actors.

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Comments 3
  1. Most Black Americans Were Already Dead!-Using Names as Far Back To The Days Of Slavery!-The K.K.K. Keeps Records!

  2. Joe BiteMe Biden’s team is to blame for this debacle of a Residency in the White House!! Trying to convert America into a different Culture as Blatantly as this was Really Stupid. Overplayed their Hand? Of course the Scumbags will!

  3. The left are flooding their communities with people who don’t like them and want to take all that they have.

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