Watch: Biden Mockingly Mimics Reporters Trying To Ask Questions

As his handlers push them out of the room

In now viral footage, Joe Biden was seen Monday sardonically mimicking reporters with an outburst as they attempted to ask him questions.

Biden had been meeting with Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg of NATO in the Oval Office and press were allowed to take video and photos.

As Biden’s handlers then forced the reporters out of the room, and they began shouting questions, Biden blurted out noises back at them and started laughing.


When Trump called CNN’s Jim Acosta ‘fake news’ and the media in general ‘the enemy of the people’, it was all over leftist talks shows for literally years, but this open mocking of reporters who Biden hasn’t spoken to meaningfully for months is somehow unworthy of attention?

He also does this all the time.

No doubt Karine Jean Pierre will later call the latest outburst some sort of deep fake or edited misinformation/disinformation, a meaningless interchangeable term she repeatedly parrots.

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Comments 7
  1. Not only do Democrats believe they are above the law, the believe they are above criticism.
    The tyranny & power they project without scrutiny or criticism allows them to have an elitists mindset despite the fact they are largely moronic buffoons.

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