Illegal Immigrants Ditching Documents To Dodge Deportation

More than half of all ‘asylum seekers’ in Germany have no passport or form of ID

Federal government data out of Germany has revealed that more than half of migrants arriving in the country as ‘asylum seekers’ have no passport or identification documents at all.

The data from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees shows that 57 percent of all those arriving failed to prove their identity, age, or country of origin. 

Despite this, they are all allowed to stay in the country under asylum rules.

German newspaper Welt notes that around 100,000 migrants entered Germany illegally during the first five months of 2024, with around 57,000 providing no ID.

It means illegals cannot be deported because German authorities don’t know where they came from, and even if they work it out the country of origin is illegal not accept them back without documentation.

The government data shows that of some 250,000 migrants scheduled to be deported, only 6,300 have been successfully returned to their country of origin.

Most of the migrants have come from Syria, Afghanistan and, more bizarrely Turkey.

A federal official noted that given Turkey is an “OECD and NATO member state” the fact that it has “a large number of citizens without any identity papers is absurd.”

The official added that “every Turkish citizen is obliged to have an identity card,” so it is obvious that they are trying to game the German asylum system.

Despite Turks having nothing to seek asylum from, the vast majority are not deported from Germany after arriving illegally.

There is a similar situation in Ireland, where it has been asserted individuals are arriving from safe countries and then literally flushing their passports down the toilet.

As we have repeatedly highlighted, violent crime and sexual assaults have exploded in Germany in direct correlation with uncontrolled illegal immigration.

Knife attacks in particular are now a daily occurrence. 

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Comments 4
  1. Germany had a solution worked out in the 1930’s. Implement it.
    Anyone who doesn’t like it can hop onto a tramp steamer and jump ship somewhere else in the world.

  2. System setbit up this way, its all done on purpose and allowed the perfect story for all but us dispossessed

  3. Bags Of Forged Passports Were Found This Side Of The Border!-Undocumented Illegal Entry-Most Of These Migrants DON”T Exist in America Today!-Do You Think it Will be Easy To Find/Control Them?-Many Will Disappear Without a Trace!-Legally Or ???????

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